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Top Scientist Claims 13M Dead From COVID Vaccines



According to renowned physicist Dr. Denis Rancourt, PhD, one in 2000 recipients of the COVID-19 vaccine died. And in the upcoming years, that number is predicted to sharply increase.

As a result of the experimental vaccine’s side effects, at least 13 million people worldwide died, according to Rancourt’s analysis of data from various nations.

He claims the vaccines claimed 3.7 million lives in India alone.

Dr. Rancourt says that western countries have seen way more deaths that eastern.

He contends that Covid cannot be to blame for the rise in fatalities as stated by the government and health organizations.

Dr. Rancourt’s quotes can be found below:

“There’s a strong correlation to poverty, which is one of the pieces of evidence that allows you to say that this is not a virus.”

“No matter how you slice it, there’s absolutely no correlation with age, which is definitive proof that this cannot be Covid.”

“During the Covid period, all Western countries cut antibiotics prescriptions by 50 percent, so they were not treating bacterial pneumonia,” Dr. Rancourt further explained.

“The age structure of the excess mortality has changed as you move into the vaccination period.

“The peaks occur in very specific hotspots, but synchronously around the world […] that from an epidemiological standpoint is strictly impossible because the time from seeding of an infection to the sudden rise of mortality is completely uncertain.”

Rancourt goes on to say that while other countries were unaffected, some countries experienced simultaneous spikes in excess deaths, indicating that a virus was not to blame for the rise in mortality.

“The virus absolutely refused to cross these borders, of course, this is absurd, a viral respiratory disease is believed to spread, and it does not need a passport, and it does not respect borders, so that’s yet another proof, that this is not a viral respiratory pandemic. You see, as a consequence of the vaccine rollout, there’s a higher regime of mortality. Same thing for each of the states in Australia. The large peak in the southern U.S. coincides with the vaccine equity program.”

Dr. Rancourt stated that the following conclusions were drawn from his thorough examinations of all-cause mortality during the Covid period in conjunction with socioeconomic and vaccine-rollout data:

There wouldn’t have been any excess mortality if governments and the medical establishment had just carried on as usual without any pandemic propaganda or coercion.

No pandemic that increased mortality actually existed.

Measures led to an increase in mortality.

The covid vaccination increased mortality.



  1. SkippingDog

    June 30, 2023 at 12:56 pm

    A nutter with absolutely no medical training. His own university fired him for academic misconduct.

    • Frank

      June 30, 2023 at 4:07 pm

      He was attacked, still, out of politics and you are playing the stooge for the same mentality. Many great and brave doctors have faced this kind of blatant anti-government narrative attempt to de-legitimize. Louis Morissette is the one behind his smearing.

      • MEl

        July 3, 2023 at 6:32 pm

        Tellement vrai!!! You’re right!

  2. What_a_joke

    June 30, 2023 at 2:13 pm

    @skippingdog…go get another booster.

  3. Severance

    July 1, 2023 at 7:37 am

    You take it and a year goes by and everybody’s fine. And then you say, “okay, that’s good, let’s give it to 500 people. And then a year goes by and anybody’s fine.”

    So then you say, “well now, let’s give it to thousands of people”

    And then you find out it takes 12 years for all hell to break loose. And then, what have you done?
    -Fauci on the AIDS vaccine, 1999

    But now, releasing and then frantically coercing and terrifying the entire world into taking a rushed, guaranteed to succeed, corruptly tested, experimental injection utilizing a brand new unproven technology – a technology never before injected into mankind outside of limited trial environments – for a virus that, even the CDC admits, poses practically no threat to anyone is considered SOUND SCIENCE.

    You think there may be some sort of wicked ulterior motive here?

    Anyone reading who cannot see this absolute insanity for what it is might consider re-analyzing your premises with a critical eye and correcting your steering where needed.

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Biden Crime Family

Justice Department Finds Transcripts They Previously Denied Existence of in Biden Classified Material Investigation



In a significant development, the Justice Department revealed to a federal judge late Monday that it possesses transcripts of President Joe Biden’s conversations with a biographer, contradicting earlier denials. These transcripts are related to the recently concluded criminal investigation into Biden’s handling of classified materials before he became president.

The special counsel, Robert Hur, issued a report in February describing Biden as “a well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” This report has prompted a surge of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and lawsuits aimed at obtaining records related to Hur’s investigation. These requests have come from various news outlets and conservative groups seeking to scrutinize Biden’s mental acuity and fitness for the presidency.

Concerns about Biden’s cognitive abilities were exacerbated by a poor debate performance against Donald Trump, leading Biden to announce on Sunday that he would not seek reelection. It remains unclear how his exit from the race will affect the Justice Department’s handling of the materials from Hur’s investigation.

The Justice Department has argued that releasing the audio of Biden’s interviews would violate his privacy, potentially lead to abuses like deepfakes, and discourage other witnesses from agreeing to recorded interviews. Biden has asserted executive privilege over these recordings to prevent House Republicans from holding Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for refusing to release them.

During a hearing last month, DOJ lawyers informed U.S. District Judge Dabney Friedrich that processing the audio files of Biden’s interviews with writer Mark Zwonitzer would be highly time-consuming. They claimed that the recordings spanned 70 hours and reviewing audio for classified material is more challenging than reviewing written material.

Justice Department lawyer Cameron Silverberg stated at a June 18 hearing that no transcripts from the special counsel existed. However, Silverberg’s recent court filing revealed that the DOJ had found six electronic files, consisting of 117 pages of verbatim transcripts, created by a court-reporting service from Biden’s discussions with Zwonitzer. Some of these conversations contained classified information, but DOJ policy barred pursuing charges against a sitting president.

In an unexpected reversal, the Justice Department reached out to Robert Hur directly after initially resisting requests from the Heritage Foundation to contact him about materials he used for his report. Hur confirmed he relied on the Biden-Zwonitzer audio recordings and a portion of Biden’s handwritten notes regarding a memo about Afghanistan.

Judge Friedrich has scheduled a hearing for Tuesday morning to address these developments. The Justice Department has indicated it will discuss with the parties seeking access to Hur’s materials whether Biden’s notes should also be processed for potential release.

The Justice Department’s admission of the existence of transcripts in the Biden classified material investigation marks a crucial turn in the ongoing scrutiny of Biden’s handling of classified information. As legal proceedings continue, the implications for transparency, presidential privacy, and the political landscape remain to be seen.


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Leaked Emails Expose BBC’s Unverified Reporting and Political Bias



In a startling revelation, newly leaked internal emails from BBC correspondent Rami Ruhayem have unveiled serious allegations against the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). The emails suggest that the BBC has been broadcasting news without verifying claims or seeking evidence, raising concerns about journalistic integrity and ethical practices within the organization.

The leaked emails highlight a pattern of unverified reporting, particularly concerning coverage of the conflict in Palestine. Ruhayem, a Beirut-based correspondent, criticized the BBC for airing sensational stories about alleged atrocities committed by Hamas fighters without proper verification. These unsubstantiated claims were broadcast repeatedly, despite the lack of concrete evidence.

In one instance, Ruhayem detailed how graphic allegations about Hamas fighters were allowed to pass unchallenged on air. “From the start, it was evident that unverified claims of the most atrocious acts by Hamas fighters against Israelis were being circulated and repeated at the highest levels,” Ruhayem wrote. He pointed out that BBC presenters often failed to ask for evidence or clarify that the claims had not been verified.

The emails also accuse the BBC of sensationalizing news stories to push a specific political agenda. Ruhayem suggested that the unverified allegations were part of a broader strategy to garner political support for Israel’s actions. “The BBC’s approach to reporting has contributed to shaping public perception in a way that supports Israel’s actions,” he stated.

Ruhayem’s emails describe how the repetition of unverified and sensational claims served to reinforce extreme portrayals of Israel’s enemies. This biased coverage likely influenced public opinion and political discourse, aligning with Israeli propaganda efforts.

The leaked correspondence reveals deep-seated grievances among BBC staff regarding the organization’s editorial direction. Ruhayem noted that despite numerous evidence-based critiques from staff members, BBC management failed to address these concerns. Instead of fostering thorough examination and inclusive discussions, the management opted to continue the problematic editorial practices.

In an email dated May 1, 2024, Ruhayem wrote to BBC Director General Tim Davie and several departments, detailing the editorial failings. He emphasized the need for mechanisms to ensure accurate and ethical reporting, which he claimed were ignored by the management.

The allegations of journalistic malpractice have significant implications for the BBC’s reputation and credibility. Broadcasting unverified information and sensationalizing stories undermine the core principles of journalism: accuracy, fairness, and impartiality. These practices not only misinform the public but also erode trust in the media.

The leaked emails call into question the integrity of the BBC’s news coverage and highlight the need for rigorous journalistic standards. As the organization faces scrutiny, it must address these issues to restore its standing as a trusted news source.

The bombshell leaks from Rami Ruhayem’s emails expose serious flaws in the BBC’s reporting practices, revealing a troubling pattern of unverified reporting and political bias. As the media landscape continues to evolve, maintaining journalistic integrity and accountability remains paramount. The BBC must take urgent steps to rectify these issues and uphold the highest standards of journalism.

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Biden Administration

Secret Service Increased Security for Zelenskyy While Denying Security For Former President Trump



Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s trip to Washington in December 2022 was treated with the utmost importance, featuring extraordinary security measures. Hundreds of law enforcement and intelligence officials were activated, with the U.S. Secret Service leading the effort as Zelenskyy visited the White House and addressed Congress. From the moment he landed, Zelenskyy was accompanied by a Secret Service detail, and this protection continued until his departure. His motorcade was also provided by the Secret Service, assisted by local law enforcement.

Former Secret Service agent Don Mihalek explained that the agency is responsible for protecting all visiting foreign heads of state on U.S. soil. Zelenskyy’s visit was seen as particularly sensitive due to the ongoing war with Russia, raising concerns about potential threats from Russian agents or collaborators.

Security for Zelenskyy’s trip to Capitol Hill was akin to State of the Union preparations, with significant measures implemented. The Secret Service consulted with the Capitol Police, CIA, FBI, and other agencies to ensure safety. Every Capitol Police officer was on standby, given the potential threats.

In stark contrast, former President Donald Trump’s security detail has faced significant challenges in obtaining the same level of resources and personnel. Over the past two years, the Secret Service acknowledged denying multiple requests for increased security at Trump’s events. While the agency provided alternative measures, such as local sniper teams and hand-held magnetometers, Trump’s team felt these were insufficient and inadequate to address the security risks involved.

The recent attempted assassination of Trump at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, has intensified scrutiny. A sniper managed to get rooftop access roughly 150 meters from Trump’s position, raising serious questions about security lapses. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle is facing calls for her resignation, including from House Speaker Mike Johnson.

Despite these assurances, the disparity in security measures for Zelenskyy and Trump has raised significant concerns about the Secret Service’s prioritization and ability to adequately protect high-profile individuals. Trump’s security detail and advisers have repeatedly voiced their frustrations over what they perceive as an unequal allocation of resources and attention.

The decision to prioritize Zelenskyy’s security to such an extent, while denying crucial security enhancements for a former U.S. president, suggests a troubling inconsistency in the Secret Service’s approach to protection. The assassination attempt on Trump highlights the severe consequences of these decisions and underscores the urgent need for a reassessment of priorities and resource allocation within the agency.

The handling of security for Trump, particularly in light of the recent assassination attempt, exposes significant gaps and inconsistencies within the Secret Service. As scrutiny intensifies, the agency must address these failures, ensure equitable security measures for all high-profile individuals, and restore confidence in its protective capabilities. Director Kimberly Cheatle’s leadership and decisions are now under intense examination, and calls for her resignation reflect the gravity of the situation and the demand for accountability.


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