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Biden Crime Family

Hunter Biden Was CC’d on Email to VP Joe Biden About Call with Ukrainian President



According to a document provided by the National Archives in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, a staff member for then-Vice President Joe Biden copied Hunter Biden on an email to Joe about an upcoming call with former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.

Hunter Biden was included on a scheduling email from Joe Biden’s assistant, John Flynn, dated May 26, 2016, about a call between Joe Biden and Poroshenko, according to the Washington Times’ FOIA report. Hunter Biden made $83,000 per month as a board member of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings.

Flynn wrote to Joe and Hunter Biden:

Boss — 8:45 a.m. prep for 9 a.m. phone call with Pres Poroshenko. Then we’re off to Rhode Island for infrastructure event and then Wilmington for UDel commencement. Nate will have your draft remarks delivered later tonight or with your press clips in the morning.

The call took place on May 27, 2016. According to the mainstream media, Joe Biden urged Poroshenko to restructure the prosecutor general’s office in Ukraine.

Burisma was suspected of public corruption and money laundering at the time. Before being fired by Poroshenko due to pressure from Joe Biden, who threatened to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid from Ukraine if the Ukrainian government did not fire Shokin, prosecutor Victor Shokin looked into the case.

During a 2018 appearance at the Council of Foreign Relations, Joe Biden boasted about the dismissal. “I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a bitch. He got fired,” Joe Biden said.

According to House Republican investigators, an FBI informant claims to have two pieces of evidence that demonstrate Joe and Hunter Biden received $5 million each in bribes from Burisma.

According to a source familiar with the FBI’s informant document, Hunter and Joe Biden “coerced” Burisma executive Mykola Zlochevsky into paying them $10 million in bribes in June, according to Breitbart News. Additionally, according to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), the FBI informant file revealed that Hunter Biden owed his father $5 million in total, with a $5 million total cut represented by his lucrative position on Burisma’s board of directors.

Founder of Burisma Mykola Zlochevsky, who is accused of paying Joe Biden, allegedly kept 17 audio recordings of his conversations with the Bidens as an “insurance policy,” according to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa).

Biden Crime Family

Justice Department Finds Transcripts They Previously Denied Existence of in Biden Classified Material Investigation



In a significant development, the Justice Department revealed to a federal judge late Monday that it possesses transcripts of President Joe Biden’s conversations with a biographer, contradicting earlier denials. These transcripts are related to the recently concluded criminal investigation into Biden’s handling of classified materials before he became president.

The special counsel, Robert Hur, issued a report in February describing Biden as “a well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” This report has prompted a surge of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and lawsuits aimed at obtaining records related to Hur’s investigation. These requests have come from various news outlets and conservative groups seeking to scrutinize Biden’s mental acuity and fitness for the presidency.

Concerns about Biden’s cognitive abilities were exacerbated by a poor debate performance against Donald Trump, leading Biden to announce on Sunday that he would not seek reelection. It remains unclear how his exit from the race will affect the Justice Department’s handling of the materials from Hur’s investigation.

The Justice Department has argued that releasing the audio of Biden’s interviews would violate his privacy, potentially lead to abuses like deepfakes, and discourage other witnesses from agreeing to recorded interviews. Biden has asserted executive privilege over these recordings to prevent House Republicans from holding Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for refusing to release them.

During a hearing last month, DOJ lawyers informed U.S. District Judge Dabney Friedrich that processing the audio files of Biden’s interviews with writer Mark Zwonitzer would be highly time-consuming. They claimed that the recordings spanned 70 hours and reviewing audio for classified material is more challenging than reviewing written material.

Justice Department lawyer Cameron Silverberg stated at a June 18 hearing that no transcripts from the special counsel existed. However, Silverberg’s recent court filing revealed that the DOJ had found six electronic files, consisting of 117 pages of verbatim transcripts, created by a court-reporting service from Biden’s discussions with Zwonitzer. Some of these conversations contained classified information, but DOJ policy barred pursuing charges against a sitting president.

In an unexpected reversal, the Justice Department reached out to Robert Hur directly after initially resisting requests from the Heritage Foundation to contact him about materials he used for his report. Hur confirmed he relied on the Biden-Zwonitzer audio recordings and a portion of Biden’s handwritten notes regarding a memo about Afghanistan.

Judge Friedrich has scheduled a hearing for Tuesday morning to address these developments. The Justice Department has indicated it will discuss with the parties seeking access to Hur’s materials whether Biden’s notes should also be processed for potential release.

The Justice Department’s admission of the existence of transcripts in the Biden classified material investigation marks a crucial turn in the ongoing scrutiny of Biden’s handling of classified information. As legal proceedings continue, the implications for transparency, presidential privacy, and the political landscape remain to be seen.


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Biden Crime Family

White House Physician Found to be Involved in Biden Family Business Dealings



House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., has escalated scrutiny over President Biden’s health, demanding that White House physician Dr. Kevin O’Connor appear before Congress. Comer’s letter, obtained by Fox News Digital, highlights concerns about O’Connor’s ties to the Biden family and their potential impact on his medical assessments of the president.

Following President Biden’s recent debate performance and ongoing public concerns about his fitness for office, Comer emphasized the need for transparency regarding O’Connor’s evaluations. In February, O’Connor deemed Biden a “healthy, active, robust 81-year-old male,” fit to carry out presidential duties. However, Comer pointed to reports suggesting O’Connor did not recommend a cognitive test, raising questions about the thoroughness and impartiality of his assessments.

Central to Comer’s inquiry is O’Connor’s involvement with Americore Health, LLC, a company linked to James Biden, the president’s brother. Allegations surfaced that James Biden received substantial payments from Americore without delivering promised services, including a $200,000 payment labeled as a “loan repayment” to President Biden. The committee’s investigation revealed O’Connor’s advisory role to James Biden in connection with Americore’s business dealings, potentially compromising his independence in assessing the president’s health.

Comer underscored the committee’s duty to investigate whether O’Connor’s medical judgments were influenced by his ties to the Biden family’s business interests. He cited O’Connor’s participation in meetings involving Hunter Biden and James Biden with hospital executives, further highlighting the intersection of O’Connor’s professional duties and familial connections.

The White House’s response has been inconsistent, with reports indicating Biden has not undergone a medical examination since February, despite the president’s assurance to Democratic governors that he received a recent clean bill of health. Comer’s letter challenges these discrepancies, urging clarity on O’Connor’s current role and his capacity to provide impartial evaluations.

In his demand for O’Connor’s cooperation, Comer requested a transcribed interview by July 14, along with all relevant documents pertaining to Americore and James Biden. The congressman’s actions reflect broader calls within political circles for transparency and accountability in assessing President Biden’s ability to lead, amid growing calls, even from within Democratic ranks, for Biden to reconsider his re-election campaign.

As the Oversight Committee prepares for potential hearings, the focus remains on ensuring that O’Connor’s affiliations do not compromise the integrity of presidential health assessments, a critical issue as the nation prepares for the upcoming election cycle.

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Biden Crime Family

Emails Reveal Top Chinese Leader Wanted Hunter Biden to Visit China to discuss Business Opportunities



Hunter Biden informed his business associates in late 2013 that a top Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader allegedly asked him to travel to China to discuss future “business opportunities,” according to an email obtained and verified by Fox News Digital.

In December 2013, Biden accompanied his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, on a six-day trip around Asia that included stops in China, South Korea, and Japan. During the Beijing leg of the trip, Hunter Biden introduced his father to one of his Chinese business associates in the lobby of their hotel. This associate was accompanied by another individual, establishing connections that would later prove significant.

While in China, Hunter Biden attended multiple events with his father, including a lunch featuring some of the most influential CCP leaders. On December 5, 2013, Jonathan Li, the business associate introduced to Vice President Biden, emailed Hunter to ask about his experience in China. Hunter responded that everything “went very well.”

Hunter asked Li if he knew former Governor of Hong Kong, C.H. Tung. “He wants me to come to HK to visit to discuss business opportunities. He sat next to Dad at lunch with Premier and implied we knew each other, but I don’t remember him,” Hunter wrote. Li responded, “Very good, I can go with you to find out what he can do for us.”

“Troung” refers to C.H. Tung, a former governor of Hong Kong and billionaire who served as the vice chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) from 2005 to 2023, a former business associate of Hunter confirmed to Fox News Digital. The CPPCC is a key mechanism for multi-party cooperation and political consultation under CCP leadership, according to its website.

Fox News Digital could not confirm whether Hunter Biden visited Hong Kong to discuss the “business opportunities” mentioned.

In July 2014, James Bulger, chairman of the Boston-based Thornton Group LLC, which partnered with Hunter’s Rosemont Seneca to form BHR Partners, emailed Hunter about introducing their Chinese business associates to Tung. Bulger referenced a dinner where Hunter allegedly sat next to Tung and suggested Hunter send an email to Tung to discuss BHR’s investment targets and fundraising efforts.

Bulger asked Hunter to introduce BHR CEO Jonathan Li and committee member Andy Lu to Tung, emphasizing the importance of the meeting for their initiative. Hunter responded that he was willing to help but did not recall the names of the individuals who sat next to him during the dinner. He suggested drafting an email in Mandarin and English for his approval.

Fox News Digital’s inquiries to Biden’s lawyer, Bulger, Li, Lu, and Tung about whether Hunter made the introduction went unanswered.

Tung was listed as an “expected attendee” for state dinners at the White House during the Obama-Biden administration in 2011 and 2015. His role was significant in fostering U.S.-China relations, and he was praised by prominent U.S. figures like John Podesta, who referred to Tung as a “friend.”

In a 2018 report, the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission described the CPPCC as part of China’s United Front system, which seeks to co-opt and neutralize potential opposition to CCP policies. Tung also founded the China-U.S. Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), aiming to strengthen U.S.-China relations.

Tung’s influence extended to Washington, D.C., where he developed connections with key figures, including President Biden’s top climate diplomat, John Podesta. Tung’s organization, CUSEF, targeted Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to understand the political power of Black Americans.

In 2009, Tung visited the office of Black public relations consultant Julia Wilson to learn more about African American history and the political dynamics that led to the election of President Obama. CUSEF paid over $1 million to Wilson’s firm between 2017 and 2023.

Biden’s attorney, Li, and the White House did not respond to Fox News Digital’s requests for comment.


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