Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. the nephew of President JFK, has been very vocal about his views on Big Pharma.
Kennedy started his career on a fishing boat suing big corporations for pollution.
On podcaster and UFC commentator, Joe Rogan’s podcast, Kennedy claims his vaccine skepticism began when women with autistic children raised the theory of a link between the two to him.
Kennedy makes recent news with a new headline of calling out Obama’s ties with Big Pharma.
He claims former President Barack Obama had to make billion dollar deals with Big Pharma in able to solidify Obamacare.
In the video he speaks on Oil and Coal’s funding of the Republicans and how this forced Obama to seek funding in other avenues which lead him to lobbyists and pharmaceutical industry leaders.
He states Pharma has more lobbyists on Capital Hill than any other industry. With this pressure on Obama for funding is forced Obama to make a “handshake with the devil,” in RFK Jr’s words.
Kennedy further states in the interview that when Trump was in office he directly linked autism with vaccines causing the debate to go ‘tribal.’ This causing the Democrats to become the allies of Big Pharma.
He rounds off the ending of this segment of the interview with stating other industries have done the same thing as Pharma.
This begs the question while returning to Kennedy’s appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast when he stated he made Fauci admit they had no record of safe vaccine trials. What sort of blame must we put on the Democrats, Obama, and even Trump for starting ‘Operation Warp Speed.’ Politics must stay out of healthcare as most Americans agree, but we must define healthcare first.
Watch the video below and tell us on Twitter (@LeadingReport) if you agree with Kennedy or not.
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