Biden Administration

REPORT: House GOP Alleges Biden’s DHS Chief Broke The Law



In an exclusive interview with the Daily Caller News Foundation, House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green revealed that he intends to publish a lengthy report outlining his initial findings of his investigation into Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and outlining the ways he thinks he broke the law.

Green launched a probe into Mayorkas on June 14 with the initial phase focusing on the DHS secretary’s alleged “dereliction of duty.” Green says the the more than 100 pages of findings from the first stage of his continuing investigation will be made public.

“The list of everything that we’ve learned so far in phase one, the dereliction of duty phase will be published here very shortly. In fact, I’m proofing the final document, which is like 111 pages, but laws that have been violated. In some cases, we believe that Mayorkas has broken the law himself,” Green told the DCNF.

Green cited several instances where he believes Mayorkas has committed “intentional” and “willful dereliction of duty,” he said referring to the housands of migrants are permitted to enter the country through ports of entry at the southern border each month thanks to DHS’ use of the CBP One phone application. He also thinks Mayorkas lied to Congress when he said DHS had “operational control” over the border between the United States and Mexico.

“There’s the lying to Congress, there’s the CBP One app, which is just this big shell game to produce automatic mass parole in violation of the laws passed by Congress. It is a wanton disregard for the separation of powers and the Constitution of the United States,” Green said.

“There’s also sort of negligent dereliction of duty. He admitted in the Senate that he didn’t understand the cartel strategy despite the fact that Merrick Garland very clearly understood it when he testified. If you’re the guy who’s in charge of homeland security and protecting the borders and going against the cartels, you probably ought to understand the major strategies of the drug cartels,” Green said, referring to Mayorkas seemingly not knowing about cartel wristbands used to track migrants crossing the southern border when previously pressed by Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

Despite some House Republicans already having filed articles of impeachment against Mayorkas, Green refrained from urging such action until the end of his investigation.

In the final stage of the investigation, according to Green, there will be information from unnamed American officials who have been speaking with the committee and who he hopes will come forward as whistleblowers and give public testimony. In May, he informed the DCNF that he had spoken with the officials and that they had provided him with proof of “potential fraud” Mayorkas may have committed.

“Ideally, they would become whistleblowers, get protection and testify. They have reluctance to do so because of what’s happened at the DOJ with the guys who came clean there and then got bullied by the leadership,” Green said.

“So they’re obviously very concerned. I mean this administration has no concept of law and order and so these people are very concerned. We just have to figure out a way to make sure we can guarantee the protection because some of these people they have their retirements on the line,” Green added.

The second phase of Green’s investigation into Mayorkas will begin with a subcommittee hearing entitled “Biden and Mayorkas’ Open Border: Advancing Cartel Crime in America” Wednesday that will spotlight the fentanyl crisis, the DCNF first reported. It will be followed by a full committee hearing on July 19 “to examine how this administration’s reckless open-border policies have empowered cartels in Mexico to seize operational control of the Southwest border,” a committee spokesperson told the DCNF.

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