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Oregon Democrats Are One Step Closer To Rigging Elections With Ranked-Choice Voting



The state of Oregon is now one step closer to implementing ranked-choice voting (RCV) for future elections thanks to a recent measure passed by Oregon Democrats.

In RCV, which its detractors frequently refer to as “rigged choice voting,” voters rank candidates according to their preferences. The candidate in last place is eliminated, and his votes are transferred to the voter’s second-choice candidate, if no candidate receives more than 50% of the first-choice votes in the first round of voting. Until one candidate receives a majority of the votes, this process is repeated.

In the final hours of the 2023 legislative session, Oregon Democrats passed HB 2004, which would have required RCV in all federal and state elections. Additionally, the measure allows localities to use the system in their own elections.

If approved by voters in 2024, the bill would take effect on Jan. 1, 2028.

Various U.S. municipalities that have adopted RCV have experienced confusing and even inaccurate election outcomes. In an Oakland school board race, for instance, “election officials announced — two months after the fact — that they got the count wrong

,” resulting in the “rightful winner … suing for his seat.” A Utah town that used an RCV pilot program for its 2021 municipal elections reported having a high rate of spoiled or discarded ballots.

In the Genola City Council Race 1, for example, “58% of ballots were either discarded out of hand or otherwise spoiled,” while the Genola City Council Race 2 “had a discarded or spoiled rate of over 74%.”

The only two states to use ranked-choice voting so far are Alaska and Maine, and both have encountered issues such as election results that go against the wishes of the electorate. Even though “nearly 60% of voters [cast] their ballots for a Republican” in Alaska last year, Democrat Mary Peltola won the state’s at-large congressional seat. RCV also significantly contributed to Alaska GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s victory in her bid for reelection in the 2022 midterm elections.

The same thing happened in Maine during the 2018 midterm elections, where Republican Rep. Bruce Poliquin, who was in office at the time, lost to Democrat Jared Golden despite receiving the most votes in the first round of voting. The state’s ranked-choice voting system was to blame for that result.

Among the states to have banned the use of ranked-choice voting in elections are Florida, TennesseeSouth DakotaIdaho, and Montana.

2024 Race

Hillary Clinton Planning Run for 2024 Presidency, According to Trump Campaign



Speculation about Hillary Clinton potentially running for president in 2024 has been reignited by a tweet from Jason Miller, a senior advisor to former President Donald Trump’s campaign. Miller’s tweet, which exclaimed “SHE’S RUNNING!!!,” suggested that Clinton is preparing for another presidential bid. He also pointed to opinion pieces and articles praising Clinton, implying that these are strategic moves to lay the groundwork for her campaign .

Miller’s tweet referenced an opinion piece titled “Ready for Round 2: Why We Need Hillary More Than Ever,” which advocates for Clinton’s return to the political arena. Such articles, according to Miller, don’t happen organically and indicate that “Crooked is on the move,” using Trump’s nickname for Clinton.

Despite these claims, Clinton has previously stated that she has no intention of running for president again. In an interview with the Financial Times, she mentioned that running would be disruptive to President Joe Biden, who she believes will seek re-election in 2024 . Clinton emphasized her support for Biden and indicated that she would focus on other ways to contribute to the Democratic Party’s success.

Recent reports suggest that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is grappling with internal contention regarding President Biden’s potential re-election bid. Some party members are reportedly concerned about Biden’s age and cognitive ability, leading to discussions about alternative candidates. This discontent within the DNC could position Clinton as a viable contender to challenge Trump in 2024, given her extensive political experience and recognition within the party.

The idea of Clinton running has been a topic of discussion among political analysts and media outlets. Articles speculating about her potential candidacy often highlight her experience and the possibility of her uniting the Democratic Party against a common Republican opponent, likely Trump .

Regardless of whether she runs, Clinton’s influence within the Democratic Party remains significant. She continues to be an active voice in political discourse, advocating for policies and supporting Democratic candidates. Her involvement in the 2024 election, even if not as a candidate, could still play a crucial role in shaping the party’s strategy and voter turnout .

While Jason Miller’s tweet has fueled rumors of Hillary Clinton’s potential presidential run in 2024, her own statements suggest otherwise. For now, it appears that she remains focused on supporting the Democratic Party and President Biden’s anticipated re-election campaign. However, the ongoing contention within the DNC regarding Biden’s candidacy could create an opening for Clinton to step into the race against Trump.

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DNC to Proceed with Plan to Confirm Joe Biden as Presidential Nominee



The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is moving forward with plans to confirm President Joe Biden as the party’s presidential nominee despite increasing calls for him to step aside. Amid internal turmoil over the party’s candidate for the upcoming election against former President Donald Trump, the DNC’s Rules Committee met on Friday, maintaining that everything is proceeding as planned.

The committee convened to discuss plans for a virtual roll call vote to formally nominate Biden weeks before the convention. While no votes were taken or decisions made, party leaders informed the nearly 200 committee members about the current process. The committee will meet again on Friday, July 26, to consider adopting the virtual roll call process, which would take place in the first week of August.

The virtual roll call idea has its detractors within the party, though the meeting saw little dissent. Questions arose about whether other candidates could be nominated during the virtual roll call. Technically, this is possible, but practically unlikely. The meeting started shortly after four Democratic members of Congress called on Biden to step aside.

Despite the growing calls for Biden to step down, party leaders, including DNC Chair Jaime Harrison, expressed their excitement to “renominate President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris” and promote the “Biden-Harris ticket.” Leah Daughtry, co-chair of the Rules Committee, and Alex Hornbrook, convention executive director, highlighted the planned events and the involvement of social media influencers to reach young voters.

The primary purpose of the meeting was to address a paperwork issue causing concern among Democrats. Parties typically nominate their candidates during live roll call votes at their national conventions. However, Ohio’s Aug. 7 deadline for submitting nominees conflicts with the Democratic convention’s Aug. 19 start date. Despite a legislative fix, the issue persists as the change won’t take effect until Sept. 1.

Ohio’s Republican Secretary of State Frank LaRose has stated that the discrepancy is not a problem, accusing Democrats of using Ohio as a scapegoat for their internal issues. However, Democrats worry that delaying Biden’s nomination could lead to litigation from Republicans, potentially jeopardizing his ballot access.

Some Democrats fear the virtual roll call is a strategy to shut down debates over Biden’s candidacy and secure his nomination. However, Biden holds significant control over the process, having won 99% of the pledged delegates during the primaries. His allies dominate the DNC, chosen for their loyalty.

Experts, including longtime DNC member Elaine Kamarck, suggest that Biden could still be replaced if he steps aside after the virtual roll call. “This doesn’t mean we’d be stuck with one person if that person isn’t willing to run,” Kamarck explained, noting that the Rules Committee could amend the process if necessary.

As the DNC moves forward with plans to confirm Biden as the nominee, the party faces internal debates and legal uncertainties. The upcoming meetings and the proposed virtual roll call will be crucial in determining the Democratic candidate for the November election against Trump.


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Donald Trump to Consider Jamie Dimon for Treasury Secretary



In a recent interview with Bloomberg, former President Donald Trump stated that he does not intend to remove Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell before the end of his term and is considering JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon for the position of Treasury Secretary if he wins the upcoming presidential election on November 5.

Jerome Powell, who has served as the Federal Reserve Chair since 2018, will continue in his role until January 2026. His term as a Fed governor extends until 2028. Trump’s decision to retain Powell marks a shift from his previous criticisms of the Fed Chair during his presidency, where he often expressed frustration with the central bank’s monetary policies.

Trump also mentioned that he would consider JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon for the Treasury Secretary position. Dimon, a prominent figure in the financial industry, has led JPMorgan since 2005 and is widely respected for his management of the bank. JPMorgan declined to comment on Trump’s remarks about Dimon.

During the interview, conducted in late June, Trump outlined several key economic policies he would pursue if elected. He expressed his intention to lower the corporate tax rate to as low as 15%, a significant reduction aimed at boosting business investment and economic growth. Additionally, Trump stated he no longer plans to ban the social media app TikTok, reversing his earlier stance on the issue.

Trump advised the Federal Reserve to abstain from cutting interest rates before the November elections. This position aligns with his broader economic strategy, which focuses on maintaining economic stability and growth leading up to the election. Trump will face off against Democratic President Joe Biden in the race for the White House.

On the trade front, Trump announced his intention to target China with new tariffs ranging from 60% to 100%, escalating the ongoing trade tensions between the two nations. He also proposed a 10% across-the-board tariff on imports from other countries, citing concerns that foreign nations are not purchasing enough U.S. goods. This approach aims to protect American industries and reduce the trade deficit.

Trump’s recent interview with Bloomberg highlights his plans to shape economic policy and key appointments if he returns to the presidency. His commitment to retaining Jerome Powell, considering Jamie Dimon for Treasury Secretary, and implementing significant tax and trade measures underscore his focus on economic growth and stability. As the election approaches, these statements provide insight into Trump’s potential administration and its impact on the U.S. economy.

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