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Newly Unsealed Court Docs Reveal Stacks of Mar-a-Lago Boxes Did NOT Contain State Secrets



Newly unsealed court documents in Trump indictment reveal that DOJ-laced pictures of Mar-a-Lago boxes did not contain state secrets: FBI agent who signed the warrant stated the boxes also contained “challenge coins, garment bags, memorabilia, photograph frames and other décor”

Furthermore redacted from the Mar-a-Lago search warrant affidavit AG Garland agreed to publicly release was the fact that a US Secret Service officer escorted Trump’s lawyers into the storage room during the search for classified docs to comply with grand jury subpoena in June 2022.



  1. Douglas grant

    July 8, 2023 at 1:19 pm

    I will be so glad for Biden Clinton mayoress and Kerry to be gone they have influenced the world to be corrupt.Mr. Trump tnk you for being able too put up with this constant attack by corrupt government please straighten it out when you get their we will straighten ours out soon Turdeau will be gone along with Freeland and jammeet spies of a communist government

    • Fuckoff

      July 8, 2023 at 7:59 pm

      Biden corruption? Are you fucking dense? Trump and his cronies are the most corrupt people to ever hold office and the proof is how many Trumpers have been indicted and jailed. Reality and facts are two things that you don’t reside in.

      • TtlTllll

        July 8, 2023 at 10:05 pm

        Guess you’re still sleeping.

      • Voodoo

        July 9, 2023 at 3:44 am

        Wake up moron you’re the delusional one.. guess you think the “big guy” is a reference to Santa Claus? They’re all corrupt but to defend Bidens integrity and claim Trump is worse than Biden is just plain stupid.

      • Jdooly

        July 9, 2023 at 1:06 pm

        Hey fuckoff. How about you fuckoff because you’re reality is not of the majority of the Americans here in the U.S.
        Get ready for Trump to be your next president.

      • Margaret L Neal

        July 9, 2023 at 11:16 pm

        I’ve heard about brainwashed people, but you just proved it’s true.

    • Fuckoff

      July 8, 2023 at 8:01 pm

      Biden corruption? Are you fucking dense? Trump and his cronies are the most corrupt people to ever hold office and the proof is how many Trumpers have been indicted and jailed. Reality and facts are two things that you don’t reside in. Nobody should believe a thing from this website, they’re 90% made up bullshit trying to stir up the uneducated.

      • Suckonthis

        July 8, 2023 at 8:35 pm

        Media bias fact check!!

      • Patrick Fallon

        July 8, 2023 at 9:26 pm

        we never had a better President then President Trump .and the kind of words tat you use about President Trump proved again that you are the same kind that will say any thng about Trump,that you know is not true let e make this as clear as possible in 2024 Donald J Trump . are next President will be President Trump and thank God for him this country needs him so bad and there are all ways to many people like you saying anything . about a good man that for got more then you will ever know . Donald Trump loves this country and it,s people and all ways did

        • Andrew Marcus Syrstad

          July 9, 2023 at 1:25 am

          what this country needs are educated people getting involved…people who know the difference between ” are” and “our” for starters

        • Fuhck Trump

          July 9, 2023 at 10:32 am

          Donald Trump is a lying criminal and he is going to prison for the rest of his short life. Absolute worst president ever. Worse than Richard Nixon.

          • michael anthony

            July 12, 2023 at 11:09 pm

            what crime did Nixon actually do…I have read a CIA library report that the only thing he did was trying to clean out the buerocracy …So they set him up with watergate.

      • Patrick Fallon

        July 8, 2023 at 10:03 pm

        we never had a better President then President Trump .and the kind of words tat you use about President Trump proved again that you are the same kind that will say any thng about Trump,that you know is not true let e make this as clear as possible in 2024 Donald J Trump . are next President will be President Trump and thank God for him this country needs him so bad and there are all ways to many people like you saying anything . about a good man that for got more then you will ever know . Donald Trump loves this country and it,s people and all ways di

      • Ginger Aldrich

        July 9, 2023 at 8:05 am

        Media is definitely biased and no lie is too big to not tell – whatever side you’re on – That my dears is the REAL problem
        There are actions on both side we can point to but the politically motivated smear campaign on Trump ( like him or not) while not seeing the stick in your own eye is beyond belief

      • fischerfolks

        July 9, 2023 at 4:48 pm

        Fuckoff your name says it all.

    • Christine Pawlo

      July 9, 2023 at 6:32 am

      Truth is in the balance of justice let’s continue to reveal all the false accusations against this man. Let the light of truth shine in every dark corner revealing that Pres trump is no guilty . Then focus on the Biden family who has many illegal matters ti be revealed to ‘We the people’ thank you kindly for your work help free our nation from lies.I agree with you comment keep exposing error and corruption.

  2. Bailey Thomas

    July 8, 2023 at 2:08 pm

    Build 20 new supperMax Federal prisons for the lot.

  3. Joe Blow

    July 8, 2023 at 8:40 pm

    Fuck them All !!!

  4. Scott

    July 9, 2023 at 5:28 am

    The article doesn’t say there weren’t state secrets. It says there were ALSO challenge coins, etc.

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2024 Race

Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer is set to testify in Kari Lake’s lawsuit to investigate fraudulent mail-in ballot signatures.




Kari Lake’s trial in her lawsuit against Maricopa County is set to take place on September 25 and 26. Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer has been subpoenaed to testify and defend Maricopa County’s mail-in ballot procedures and their refusal to be transparent. The Recorder oversees mail-in voting operations, which were manipulated to steal the election from Lake. The trial will be held at 101 West Jefferson St., Phoenix, AZ 85003, in Courtroom 811 at 9:00am PT.

Lake has been fighting against the rigged 2022 election and her lawsuit for public 2022 voter signature records. This evidence will undoubtedly prove the election was rigged in Lake’s upcoming Appeals Court battle. Maricopa County contends that these records contain sensitive information, so they refuse to be transparent with elections. A ruling in a separate Yavapai County Court case confirmed that Maricopa County has been incorrectly defining “voter registration record” and unlawfully verifying mail-in ballot signatures.

The new Yavapai County Court ruling will require only voter registration forms to be used for signature verification, as opposed to previously accepted fraudulent mail-in ballots and other signature forms. Under the Arizona Elections Procedures Manual, when a signature is accepted on a mail-in ballot envelope or a voter uses an in-person polling place touch screen signature log, it is added to the voter’s “registration record” for future reference. Many voters were seen with similar affidavit signatures in consecutive elections that do not match other signatures on their voter registrations or past affidavits.

Arizona election integrity nonprofit We The People AZ Alliance was also in court for oral arguments in their public records lawsuit against Runbeck Election Services in Phoenix and Maricopa County. The Judge indicated he would issue a written ruling on Runbeck and Maricopa County’s Motion to Dismiss “shortly.”

The Gateway Pundit inspected hundreds of illegally verified 2022 mail-in ballot signatures and corresponding voter registration records in Maricopa County through a public records request and reported on the clear fraud involved. Stephen Richer, the Republican responsible for verifying these mail-in ballot signatures, will testify on the stand at trial and attempt to prevent Lake from accessing evidence of a fraudulent election.

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New Study Finds Trace Amounts of mRNA in Vaccinated Mothers’ Breastmilk




A recently published peer-reviewed research study has raised significant concerns about breastmilk of vaccinated mothers being contaminated with mRNA.

The research, recently published in the prestigious Lancet medical journal, reveals that the administration of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines to nursing women might result in the systematic transmission of the vaccine components to breast milk.

Researchers from New York University Grossman Long Island School of Medicine have found that breast milk was contaminated with mRNA up to 45 hours after vaccination in ten women they analyzed. This contradicts the official narrative from government agencies, politicians, and corporate media who believed mRNA was safe for breastfeeding mothers and their infants. Officials have insisted that mRNA shots do not travel throughout the body, but the study suggests that the COVID-19 vaccine mRNA administered to lactating mothers can spread systematically to breast milk in the first two days after maternal vaccination. The study’s peer-reviewed paper was published in the October 2023 edition of the Lancet.

This is not the first study to make these findings, with traces of mRNA found in women’s breast milk in 2022. The authors of the Lancet paper continue to promote the vaccination of breastfeeding mothers, claiming that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines play a vital role in the fight against SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, they do not explain why mothers should take such a risk to be vaccinated against a virus with only mild symptoms.

The significance of this research extends beyond the scope of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, providing valuable insights into the transport and presence of vaccine mRNA in breast milk, which can be relevant for assessing the safety and efficacy of future mRNA-based therapies administered to lactating women.


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2024 Race

Vivek Ramaswamy Blasts DOJ & FBI Over Owen Shroyer Sentence, Claims to Dismantle The FBI




US presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy criticizes DOJ and FBI for sentencing Infowars host Owen Shroyer to 60 days in prison, threatening to use his presidency to pardon non-violent Jan 6 protesters and political prisoners.

“Yesterday a man by the name of Owen Shroyer was sentenced to prison for *speech*, not violence, on Jan 6 – for marching around the Capitol, using a bull horn, & shouting things like ‘1776!’ No violence. Didn’t enter the Capitol. That’s it,” said

 Ramaswamy Wednesday on X. “I don’t know the guy & I have no idea if he’s a ‘good person’ or not, but that’s not what our justice system is supposed to determine.”

The Republican presidential candidate announced plans to pardon non-violent Jan 6 protesters and political prisoners, citing the FBI’s ‘evidence’ used in their pursuit. He also announced a live-stream of a detailed plan to shut down the FBI and other federal agencies.

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