As Donald Trump faces indictments over “challenging” the outcome 2020 election, more and more evidence to support the Former President’s claims is coming out.
As you will see in this video, eye witness testimony suggests ballots “disappeared” after being transported across state lines.
This of course isn’t the first accusation by an eyewitness of ballots being transported across state lines. If you remember a trucker claimed to have transported thousands of ballots across state lines on live television within weeks of the election “finishing.”
None of these judges will all Trump to use this evidence at trial. Any evidence of election fraud will be objected to and Das in pretrial will demand that such evidence not be allowed in the court room.
Hey Barry put down the vodka for a sec and write a coherent sentence over there so I can try to understand what you are trying to say! You sound like Brandon stumbling and bumbling around like a buffoon. Oh you know… the thing…
August 18, 2023 at 8:57 am
None of these judges will all Trump to use this evidence at trial. Any evidence of election fraud will be objected to and Das in pretrial will demand that such evidence not be allowed in the court room.
Barry McCockinner
August 18, 2023 at 8:57 pm
This is so laughable. Give it up. The party if self accountability that doesn’t want anyone in their party to be held accountable.
August 19, 2023 at 7:45 am
Hey Barry put down the vodka for a sec and write a coherent sentence over there so I can try to understand what you are trying to say! You sound like Brandon stumbling and bumbling around like a buffoon. Oh you know… the thing…