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New Documentation Reveals Link Between Multiple Sclerosis and COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines



New documentation reveals 2,180 reported cases of Multiple Sclerosis caused by COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, according to WHO database.

2021 April – 35 year old UK nurse Rachel McKinney developed Multiple Sclerosis a few weeks after getting her first 2 Pfizer mRNA jabs in Dec. 2020 and Jan. 2021, and was dead by April 2021 (click here).

Rachel was among the first recipients of Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in England, receiving 1st dose in late Dec 2020 and 2nd dose in Jan. 2021.

Weeks after her 2nd dose in February 2021, Rachel started having slurred speech and feeling confused. She was hospitalized and soon became paralyzed and lost her ability to speak.

She was diagnosed with Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis and after multiple seizures she was placed in a medically induced coma.

Rachel died on April 3, 2021, after 46 days in the hospital. Doctors said Rachel developed a rare form of Multiple Sclerosis after her COVID-19 vaccines.

VAERS 970658 – 62 year old Florida man was diagnosed with “Exacerbation of multiple sclerosis” 4 days after 1st Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

This is one of the first documented cases of “Multiple Sclerosis exacerbation” that were being published in the VAERS database as early as January 2021.

Published Research 

March 2023 – Alluqmani studied 32 people who developed MS after COVID-19 vaccines. He found:

  • mean age 30 years old (range 21 to 45)
  • 21 had vertigo and imbalance, 7 had visual symptoms, 3 had motor symptoms
  • 20/32 had Pfizer, 3/32 had Moderna, 9/32 had AstraZeneca
  • 25 had MS symptoms after 1st dose, 7 after 2nd dose
  • 14 had brainstem demyelinating lesions, 12 had cerebral lesions, 6 had cervical spinal cord lesions, 2 had dorsal spinal cord lesions
  • risk factors for developing MS: low Vitamin D, antibodies for Epstein-Barr Nuclear Antigen, family history of MS

March 2023 – Jeon et al. reported a 19 year old soldier who died suddenly

  • 19 year old Korean soldier was found dead in barracks on March 22, 2022
  • had 2nd mRNA vaccine 6 months bef ore death
  • 3 months before death he started getting seizures
  • 17 days before death he had COVID-19, self-limited course at home
  • several days before death he complained of recurrent seizures at night

Jan.2022 – Toljan et al. reported 5 new diagnoses of MS post mRNA vaccine

  • 29 yo woman had acute left leg weakness 1 day after Pfizer
  • 37 yo man had left hand paresthesia 3 days after 1st Pfizer
  • 41 yo man had bilateral foot numbness 1 month after 2nd Moderna
  • 46 yo woman had bilateral arm pain and left foot drop 3 days after 2nd Moderna
  • 43 yo woman had right arm weakness 5 weeks after 2nd dose of Pfizer
  • all 5 cases had brain or brain stem lesions on MRI.
Fig. 1

Pfizer and Moderna’s involvement in Multiple Sclerosis 

Pfizer/BioNTech is making an mRNA vaccine for Multiple Sclerosis (click here)

Interestingly, just as Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines were being rolled out and first cases of Multiple Sclerosis after COVID-19 vaccination were being reported, the founders of Pfizer’s mRNA partner BioNTech published a paper in January 2021 on a newly invented mRNA vaccine for Multiple Sclerosis they “successfully” tested on mice.

On Jan.13, 2022, world famous journal “Science” published a paper claiming that Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) caused most cases of Multiple Sclerosis (click here).

We tested the hypothesis that MS is caused by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in a cohort comprising more than 10 million young adults on active duty in the US military, 955 of whom were diagnosed with MS during their period of service.”

Risk of MS increased 32-fold after infection with EBV but was not increased after infection with other viruses…suggest EBV as the leading cause of MS.

Jan. 14, 2022 – Forbes Magazine announced Moderna started human trials for EBV mRNA vaccine (click here

Just one day after Science published a paper claiming EBV causes Multiple Sclerosis, Forbes announced that Moderna just started human trials of “an mRNA vaccine for a virus (EBV) that likely causes Multiple Sclerosis.

WHO’s VigiAccess Database (click here) has 2180 cases of Multiple Sclerosis reported linked to COVID-19 vaccines. Here is a comparison to other neurological injuries:

  • 21,786 Seizures
  • 11,723 Bell’s Palsy
  • 7,693 Guillain-Barre syndrome
  • 5,650 brain fog
  • 5,413 paralysis
  • 2,180 multiple sclerosis
  • 1,300 transverse myelitis

The extent of coordination between the biggest journals like Science, and big pharma, is very visible in the case of Multiple Sclerosis.

Just as the first COVID-19 vaccines were being rolled out and first cases of post-vaccine Multiple Sclerosis were being reported in VAERS, Pfizer/BioNTech announced to the world they had successfully tested their new mRNA vaccine for Multiple Sclerosis on mice.

A year later, one of world’s biggest journals “Science” published a paper claiming most cases of Multiple Sclerosis are caused by Epstein-Barr Virus. The next day, Forbes announced that Moderna had just begun human trials of its EBV mRNA vaccine that can treat Multiple Sclerosis.

There is no nice way to say it:

Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna knew they would cause COVID-19 mRNA vaccine injuries and both were already positioned and fully prepared to profit from the very injuries they caused. 

This is the new big pharma business model in the 2020s. 

The implication is that Pfizer & Moderna knew exactly the types of injuries their COVID-19 mRNA vaccines would cause, before they released them on the public in December 2020.

Government Accountability

Calls for Fauci and NIAID to be Investigated for Federal Records Act Violations, Evading FOIA requests



Today, America First Legal (AFL) has formally requested that the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) and the Office of the Special Counsel (OSC) initiate investigations into the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) and Dr. Anthony Fauci for allegedly violating federal laws pertaining to the use of personal emails for official government business. This move comes amidst growing concerns about transparency and accountability within federal agencies.

Background and Allegations

AFL’s request centers around the alleged use of personal email addresses by Dr. Fauci and Dr. David Morens, Fauci’s senior advisor, to conduct official NIAID business. According to AFL, these actions potentially violate the Federal Records Act and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), which mandate the preservation and disclosure of government records.

In May, AFL demanded an extensive investigation into Dr. Morens, accusing him of attempting to evade FOIA requests by using a personal email account for official communications. The allegations suggest that this practice might have included other senior NIAID officials, potentially implicating Dr. Fauci in a broader scheme to circumvent federal transparency laws.

Investigative Authorities and Jurisdiction

The OSC has the authority to investigate the arbitrary and capricious withholding of information by NIAID, while the HHS OIG is tasked with probing violations of the Federal Records Act by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The HHS OIG is also required to report evidence of such violations to the Attorney General promptly. AFL asserts that these alleged violations warrant immediate and thorough investigation to uphold the principles of government accountability.

Statement from America First Legal

Dan Epstein, Vice President of America First Legal, emphasized the importance of these investigations in a statement:

“AFL’s requests supplement the Oversight Committee’s work and help determine whether Dr. Fauci evaded government transparency and records preservation requirements. The numerous examples of FOIA and records law violations by the current administration would be merely regrettable but for the woeful irony of lawfare against the former President for alleged records violations. Accountability and fairness are therefore key,” Epstein stated.

Implications and Next Steps

The demand for investigations into Dr. Fauci and NIAID raises critical questions about adherence to federal transparency and record-keeping laws within government agencies. If proven, these allegations could have significant implications for the integrity of federal processes and the enforcement of laws designed to ensure public access to government information.

AFL’s actions underscore the ongoing scrutiny of federal officials and the importance of maintaining rigorous standards of transparency and accountability. As the OIG and OSC consider AFL’s requests, the outcomes of these potential investigations could set important precedents for how federal records and information are managed in the future.

In an era where government transparency is paramount, the resolution of these allegations will be closely watched by both proponents and critics of current federal practices. Dr. Fauci, a prominent figure throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, now faces intensified scrutiny as these investigations unfold.

Read the OSC letter here and the OIG letter here.

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Fauci Admits He Was Wrong, Keeping Schools Closed During COVID-19 Was a ‘Mistake’



Dr. Anthony Fauci, a key adviser to two presidential administrations during the COVID-19 pandemic, has reversed his stance on school closures, admitting in a recent interview that keeping schools closed for more than a year was a “mistake.” This acknowledgment comes as a significant shift from his earlier position, where he defended the extended closures despite increasing criticism.

In a Tuesday interview with “CBS Mornings” co-host Tony Dokoupil, Fauci reflected on the impact of the prolonged school closures. “Keeping it for a year was not a good idea,” the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) conceded while promoting his new memoir, “On Call: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Service.”

When asked directly by Dokoupil if the prolonged closure was a mistake and something to avoid in the future, Fauci responded, “Absolutely, yeah.”

Throughout the pandemic, Fauci had maintained that the initial decision to close schools was necessary to control the spread of the virus. In sworn congressional testimony and various media appearances, he supported the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines that led to school closures, arguing they were based on the broader community’s infection rates.

During the summer of 2020, Fauci clashed with former President Donald Trump over reopening schools. Trump criticized the CDC’s stringent guidelines, calling them impractical, while Fauci emphasized the importance of controlling the virus’s spread before safely reopening schools.

By September 2020, some schools that reopened reported less than 1% of COVID-19 cases, according to Brown University’s National COVID-19 School Response Data Dashboard. A CDC study in January 2021 found “little evidence that schools have contributed meaningfully to increased community transmission,” which further fueled the debate on the necessity of prolonged school closures.

Despite this emerging data, many schools remained closed due to pressure from powerful teachers’ unions and ongoing concerns about community transmission rates. Fauci, at the time, continued to stress caution and the importance of low transmission rates before resuming in-person learning.

The prolonged closures had significant impacts on students’ education and well-being. In September 2022, the US Department of Education released statistics showing reading scores among nine-year-olds had plummeted to their lowest point in 30 years, while math scores fell for the first time ever in a half-century of tracking.

In an October 2022 interview with ABC News, Fauci avoided labeling the extended closures as a “mistake,” cautioning against taking his comments out of context. However, he acknowledged the “deleterious collateral consequences” of such measures.

In his recent CBS interview, Fauci maintained that the initial closures were correct but reiterated that keeping them for a prolonged period was not advisable. “I kept on saying, ‘Close the bars, open the schools, open the schools as quickly and as safely as you possibly can,’” Fauci recalled. He emphasized the importance of acting swiftly and safely to reopen schools to minimize harm to students.

A spokesperson for the House COVID subcommittee majority echoed this sentiment, stating, “The ‘science’ promoted by teachers’ unions and public health officials never justified prolonged school closures. Safely returning our children to school as soon as possible should have been the top priority.”

Dr. Fauci’s recent acknowledgment marks a significant shift in the narrative surrounding school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic. As the nation reflects on the lessons learned, it is crucial to ensure that future public health responses balance safety with the well-being and educational needs of students.

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Fauci Complains over Lack of Appreciation for His COVID-19 Management



Dr. Anthony Fauci, the face of America’s fight against COVID-19, has recently expressed his frustration over what he perceives as a lack of appreciation for his efforts during the pandemic.

Fauci, who was formerly the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), touted efforts to make COVID-19 vaccine resisters’ lives more challenging during a 2020 interview, including banning unvaccinated people from attending college and getting jobs at large corporation. The former NIAID director said on “Morning Joe” that it is really “frustrating” for him to receive backlash as he believes he was doing his best to handle the pandemic as the science changed. 

“It is quite frustrating, Joe,” Fauci told host Joe Scarborough. “People really don’t appreciate. I don’t blame them for that, but they don’t appreciate that we were dealing with a moving target. When we were saying things in the beginning, wear a mask or not, how the virus is spread. I mean, originally it was felt, understandably, but incorrectly, by the CDC that it spread by the same way that flu is spread … mostly by droplets, when in fact most of the transmission is not only by  droplets but by aerosol, but also 50-60% of the people who transmit it have no symptoms at all.”

“We didn’t know that at the beginning. It was a changing, moving target. Was it frustrating? It was terribly frustrating because people like to take things out of context and do a gotcha. That’s part of the reporting process. and I accept that. That’s the world we live in. But it certainly is frustrating,” Fauci concluded, with Scarborough telling him how much he appreciates the former NIAID director.

The pandemic period was one of unprecedented division and political tension in the United States. Public opinion on Fauci’s performance has been starkly polarized. Supporters laud him as a dedicated scientist who tirelessly worked to save lives amid a rapidly evolving crisis. They argue that his guidance on masking, social distancing, and vaccinations was rooted in the best available science and aimed at mitigating the virus’s spread.

On the other hand, critics accuse Fauci of overreach and inconsistency. They point to changing guidelines and statements that, in their view, undermined public trust. Some have gone so far as to suggest that Fauci’s actions were politically motivated or that he failed to adequately communicate the uncertainties inherent in dealing with a novel virus.

A Polarizing Figure

The criticism Fauci faces is not without precedent. Public health officials often find themselves in difficult positions, especially during crises. However, the intensity of the backlash against Fauci has been particularly severe. He has received threats, faced personal attacks, and become a symbol of broader societal debates over science, governance, and personal freedom.

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