
Georgia Finally Owns Up to Election Fraud



The audit records from the voter registration system “show that a county worker took action to issue a ballot for the voter at 4:03PM on October 23, 2020,” a representative for the Georgia Secretary of State’s office, Mike Hassinger, revealed. The ballot was subsequently canceled. They then gave the voter a second ballot and successfully checked him in so that he could cast an advance in-person ballot five minutes later, at 4:08 PM. This incident was explained by Hassinger as “likely poll worker error.”

Hassinger also said, “[A]ccording to our records, this is obviously a county-level error, which the county addressed publicly in their previous statements. Floyd County made many mistakes during the 2020 election which is why our office called for their director to resign.”

Gabriel Sterling, a secretary of state assistant, learned that a voter had been prevented from casting a ballot in violation of the law back in December 2020. The individual who had requested a ballot using Sterling’s own address was the previous owner of his home. “That would be illegal voting,” Sterling admitted, who in the same sentiment denied there was widespread election fraud.

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  1. Chas

    August 23, 2023 at 5:07 pm

    So when do the executions start???

  2. David Mcdonald

    August 24, 2023 at 1:48 am

    Shocker..So how long till
    Obummers real birth certificate is revealed..

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