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Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach Accused of Making Up “Tens of Thousands of Heat Deaths”



Germany’s federal health minister makes up 300,000 fictional heat deaths, accused of spreading fear through the public. 

With the Covid Pandemic scare coming to an end and people finally coming to their senses and realizing what a global scam that was, Germany’s federal minister of health Karl Lauterbach, A member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, has now shifted his focus on to a new scare story: summer heat deaths.

The solution: more government control.

Recently Lauterbach introduced his National Heat Protection Plan, claiming that there are between 5,000 and 20,000 heat-related deaths each and every summer. According to Lauterbach, those who are at risk include pregnant women, new mothers, infants, and young children in particular. In some cases, lockdowns may be required when it’s hot outside.

Lauterbach feels that the alleged summer heat death numbers 5,000 to 20,000 are more than enough to justify the implementation of a drastic nationwide heat protection plan. However, it turns out that Lauterbach wildly over exaggerated the numbers by close to 10,000 deaths annually.

The newly created here reports on Lauterbach’s gross exaggeration, and presents the true figures going back to 1990 (blue bars):


Lauterbach claims 5,000 to 20,000 (orange) die from heat in Germany annually, but the blue colored bars tell the reality.

Wildly exaggerated calls Lauterbach’s figures “completely made up”, and adds: “In 25 of the past 31 years there have been fewer than 5000 heat deaths, and in 17 of those years fewer than 2000. So Lauterbach is inventing tens of thousands of heat deaths.”

Lauterbach’s range of 5000 to 20,000 has a mean of 12,500. However, the actual mean for the period from 1992 to 2022 is around 2500, meaning Lauterbach made up roughly 300,000 fictitious cases of heat death during that time. That is more than 100 deaths every day of the summer.

From or with heat

When NIUS asked the Federal Ministry of Health multiple times on which data basis Lauterbach made his claims, they never got an answer.

Perhaps Lauterbach now counts heat deaths like Corona deaths: If a patient dies from or during a heat wave, than the cause of death is heat. adds: “The figure of up to 20,000 heat deaths would indeed be disturbing – if it were not highly unserious. But that doesn’t move the minister at all. Following France’s example, he wants to be allowed to cancel events when it is very hot.”


Former World Economic Forum Staffers Accuse Founder Klaus Schwab of Sexual Harassment



Various female employees of the World Economic Forum (WEF) have come forward with accusations against its founder, Klaus Schwab, alleging sexual harassment and the creation of a hostile work environment. The allegations, brought to light by an investigation conducted by The Wall Street Journal, have cast a shadow over Schwab’s long-standing leadership at the influential global organization.

The accusations detail a range of inappropriate behaviors and decisions by Schwab that have reportedly impacted many female employees. One of the key allegations involves Schwab’s alleged directive to dismiss employees aged over 50 in a bid to lower the average age of the workforce. When Paolo Gallo, the WEF’s HR chief at the time, refused to comply without valid performance-related reasons, Schwab reportedly terminated his employment.

In a particularly troubling incident from 2017, Schwab is accused of dismissing a young woman who was leading a startup initiative after she informed him of her pregnancy. Schwab allegedly expressed displeasure that her pregnancy would affect her work pace and subsequently let her go after a brief trial period.

Numerous female staffers have reported facing career setbacks or being pushed out of the organization after becoming pregnant or returning from maternity leave. These allegations suggest a broader pattern of discrimination against women within the WEF under Schwab’s leadership.

One woman, identified as Myriam Boussina, recounted her experience, saying, “I knew he liked me and I knew he found me pretty. Every man with a lot of power, they think that they can get any woman and they are not ashamed.” Another former employee, who worked at the WEF in the 2010s, highlighted the pressure to conform to certain physical standards, stating, “There was a lot of pressure to be good-looking and wear tight dresses. Never in my career have I experienced looks being such an important topic as in the Forum.”

Beyond the allegations of discriminatory practices, several women have accused Schwab and other senior managers of sexual harassment. These incidents reportedly involved suggestive comments and inappropriate behavior, with some senior managers allegedly remaining at the Forum despite these accusations.

One staffer claimed Schwab made suggestive comments and physically posed suggestively in front of her, at one point mentioning he wished she was Hawaiian to see her in a costume. Schwab is also reported to have said on multiple occasions, “I need to find you a man, and if I were not married, I would put myself on the top of that list.”

Klaus Schwab has vehemently denied all allegations of misconduct. A spokesperson for the WEF stated, “Mr. Schwab does not and has never engaged in the vulgar behaviors you describe,” adding that the Journal’s reporting mischaracterizes the organization, its culture, and its founder. Schwab himself has insisted that he behaved professionally at all times.

Under Schwab’s leadership, the WEF has aggressively promoted the idea of a ‘Great Reset,’ advocating for significant global changes to address economic inequality, climate change, and other pressing issues. Critics, however, argue that the initiative aims to replace democratic governments with a system of global governance akin to communist China.

The allegations against Klaus Schwab have sparked a significant controversy, raising questions about the culture within one of the world’s most influential economic forums. As the investigation continues and more details emerge, the impact of these accusations on Schwab’s legacy and the future of the WEF remains to be seen.

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FDA To Start Allowing American Red Cross to Accept Blood From Homosexual & Bisexual Men




The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced new regulations that will for the first time permit blood donations from homosexual and bisexual men.

The American Red Cross has already revised its donor screening guidelines to account for the move, doing away with a long-standing barrier that viewed patients’ sexual orientation and other aspects of the LGBT “rainbow” as severe risks.

Due to the horrifying sexual practices perpetrated by LGBT males, what was once considered possibly tainted or dirty blood is now a thing of the past as the American Red Cross adopts a new pro-gay position for blood donations.

The American Red Cross will no longer ask blood donors about their sexual orientation at the FDA’s request, citing “decades of data collection and assessments,” but they will still be questioned about deviant sexual behavior like anal sex, which if they commit will still require them to wait six months before trying to donate.

A New Study Claims gay, bisexual males are not having anal sex

In advance of the regulation change, the FDA carried out its own investigation known as ADVANCE. The organization has since said that sexual orientation is unimportant in terms of blood donations, including the waiting periods that the American Red Cross is maintaining for the time being.

The modification aligns the United States with more “progressive” nations like Canada and the United Kingdom, which already permit gay men to donate blood without raising any eyebrows.

According to the ADVANCE study, some sexually active gay and bisexual men who engage in “lower-risk behaviors” are nevertheless able to donate blood without any problems. A requirement of the FDA’s definition of “lower-risk behaviors” is the absence of new sex within the prior three months.

“There’s so much in the world that you can’t help with, and you sometimes have to see people going through difficult times, but something like giving blood feels like something so small that you can do, and it means a lot to me that I’ll be able to do that again,” celebrated Andrew Goldstein, an apparent LGBT himself and also a cancer researcher living in Los Angeles.

According to the ADVANCE study’s findings, 66 percent of gay and bisexual males said they had only one sexual partner and no anal intercourse. Sixty-nine percent of respondents stated that they had no anal sex or new partners within the previous three months.

According to the FDA, a gay or bisexual male who has just one partner and isn’t engaging in anal intercourse can donate blood without risk. However, any further dangerous behavior can make blood donation unsafe.

According to the American Red Cross, someone needs blood or platelets from a donor every two seconds in the United States. Red blood cell transfusions typically consist of three units, and 29,000 units are required daily to assist patients in need.

On average, a victim of a minor auto accident needs to receive 100 blood units. The FDA and the American Red Cross are altering the guidelines to allow more people to participate in the pool since LGBT perversion has spread like wildfire and disqualifies many people who would be eligible under the previous regulations.

“The Red Cross celebrates this historic move as significant progress and remains committed to achieving an inclusive blood donation process that treats all potential donors with equality and respect while maintaining the safety of the blood supply,” the non-profit organization said in a statement.

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BREAKING: Former VP of Pfizer, Mike Yeadon, says COVID is just the beginning of a 10-year plan by Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab.





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