
Conservative Women Are More Attractive Than Liberal Women, According To New Study



According to a new European study done involving thousands of faces, it found that on average Conservative women are more attractive than Liberal women.

The study showed that attractive women are more likely to be conservative or “right-wing” according to the study published in Scientific Reports.

And the Women whose faces displayed a more scorn look, were more likely to be liberal or “left-wing”.

Danish and Swedish researchers used a network called neural network, which is a deep-learning artificial intelligence to perform this study.

The funny part about the study is that it wasn’t meant to find out who was more attractive, but actually to raise concern about the danger of how artificial intelligence or ai can correctly guess a person’s political views based on insufficient data, for an example, a selfie.

Researchers and scientists believe this could be a problem, and abused if in the wrong hands.

“Our results confirmed the threat to privacy posed by deep learning approaches,” the researchers wrote.

According to Eviemagazine:

In the end, they were left with 4,647 images, with 1,442 of them being female.

The sample was divided by both genders, and the algorithm was applied to them separately.

They found that masculinity and attractiveness weren’t linked to ideology in men, but happy faces (both men and women) were likely to be representatives of right-wing parties, which most people probably would agree with.

Meanwhile, politicians who had a neutral expression or showed contempt were more likely to represent left-wing ideologies.

Quite interesting, but most are not surprised, Liberals typically don’t hold family values.

Findings have been supported by recent data showing that liberal women are statistically the unhappiest and most mentally ill demographic in America. SHOCKER!

This is not the first study to be done on the attractiveness related to political beliefs. In a 2018 study published in the Journal of Public Economics, findings concluded that the people more likely to be right-wing were often found to also be more attractive.

Authors Rolfe Dause Pterson and Carl Palmer wrote, “Controlling for socioeconomic status, we found that more attractive individuals are more likely to report higher levels of political efficacy, identify as conservative and identify as Republican.”

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