Voting machines will not meet new federal standards in time for the 2024 election, and election officials are “freaking out”. Voting system guidelines will be updated on November 15th 2023, but few if any state election officials are updating their systems to meet them, with machines certified under the current “deprecated” standard remaining in use.
“The federal government must be unambiguous: voting systems certified to the old standard will remain federally certified after November 15th, 2023, and jurisdictions can continue using and purchasing those systems consistent with state or territorial laws and regulations,” the National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) have demanded in a letter
to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC). They fear skeptics of the machines will question the 2024 election due to machines only being certified to the old standard.
Ph.D. scientists recently exposed a host of “critical vulnerabilities” in voting machines, but officials such as Brad Raffensperger, Georgia’s Secretary of State, are refusing to address them in time for 2024, telling experts with concerns “tough noogies”
Some officials, like Washington elections director Stuart Holmes, seem more worried than Raffensperger: “I’m expecting there will be a lot of conversations about the voting systems that were used in 2024 in 2025,” he said.
To boost confidence in elections, both domestically and internationally, no one in the U.S. government appears willing to consider abandoning voting machines in favor of conventional paper ballots. Judges in Brazil recently imposed an eight-year ban on Jair Bolsonaro’s ability to run for office due to his criticism of the nation’s electronic voting machines, which were supported by the Biden administration, after he unsuccessfully sought to reinstate paper ballots.
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