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What is CHiP? The Masonic Child Identification Programs Used to Track Your Child



According to Wikipedia, North American Masonic lodges have created the Masonic Child Identification Programs (CHIP) as a charitable endeavor to help locate and identify missing children. The Grand Lodge provides financial assistance for CHIP programs, which are run by volunteers from lower-level lodges and are manned by law enforcement and dentistry professionals.

The CHIP programs give parents the option to free-of-charge assemble an identification kit for their child. The kit includes a tooth impression card, a DNA sample, a VHS video, computer disk, or DVD of the child, a fingerprint card, and a physical description of the child. In the event that a kid is reported missing, the kit’s goal is to give the general public and law authorities access to vital information. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has praised the initiative.

In addition to a video recording the child’s appearance and voice, the VHS tape or DVD contains information specific to the child’s age group that can help locate kids who might be missing for causes other than abduction.

State and local law enforcement organizations have used the Masonic Child ID Program as their example for creating this service. Masonic CHIP differs from other programs in that municipal and police enforcement organizations often enter all information they get, including fingerprints, into a database.

The Masonic Child ID Program claims they maintain strong confidentiality, and after writing the DVD data, all information on portable computers is deleted from the systems. In order to get a replacement DVD or VHS tape, a parent or legal representative must go to another Masonic Child ID event.

Here is a screenshot from the GACHiP website:

The program claims they want:

  • Full color digital photographs showing various poses of the child: These color photographs can be circulated by the police to the media in the case of abduction and can be used in the Amber Alert Program.
  • A complete set of digital fingerprints: Everyone’s fingerprints are unique and are a well-known tool for recovery, investigation, and identification.
  • DNA and Scent: The swift recovery of a missing person can be aided by tracking dogs.
  • Information about the child including: Distinguishing features such as hair and eye color, scars, etc. The disk will also contain contact information for parents or guardians.
    All of the identifying information collected at the event about the child is given to the child’s family. The GACHIP program retains only the permission slip that must be signed prior to participation in the event. AII other data is permanently erased after the child’s document is prepared.

Here’s a link to the official website:




  1. Pingback: Le programme MYCHIP des francs-maçons utilisé pour suivre les enfants – ANNE BELLA INFOS SANS LANGUE DE BOIS

  2. Pingback: The Scotfree | Freemasons are Collecting DNA and Biometric Data of Children for Tracking Purposes

  3. Sanctuarian

    July 22, 2023 at 1:33 pm

    The plan is not to prevent abductions.
    but rather to see who is cheating their quota.

    These organizations are bedrock for the problem.

  4. Pingback: The Freemasons’ MYCHIP Program Used To Track Children - The Washington Standard

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JPMorgan Chase to Pay $75M to Resolve Allegations That They Approved of Jeffrey Epstein’s Sex Trafficking Activities




JPMorgan Chase has agreed to pay $75 million to the U.S. Virgin Islands to settle claims that the bank enabled sex trafficking acts committed by financier Jeffrey Epstein.

The settlement will go towards local charities and assistance for victims, while $20 million will go towards legal fees.

The Virgin Islands sued JPMorgan last year, claiming that the bank enabled Epstein’s recruiters to pay victims and was “indispensable to the operation and concealment of the Epstein trafficking enterprise”, which according to new documents revealed to the public, seems to be true. JPMorgan also agreeing to payout a settlement to keep this quiet also screams guilt all over it.

The settlement averts a trial set to start next month. JPMorgan also reached a confidential legal settlement with James “Jes” Staley, the former top JPMorgan executive who managed the Epstein account before leaving the bank.

JPMorgan had already agreed to pay $290 million in June in a class-action lawsuit involving victims of Epstein’s trafficking crimes. Epstein died by suicide in a federal jail in 2019.

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Biden Administration

Leaked Video Shows Child Trafficker Admitting to Using Boarding School as Front For Organ Harvesting Network in Ukraine




A child trafficker, Denys Varodi, has confessed to his involvement in the trafficking of children from a boarding school in Perechyn, Ukraine. He admitted to giving a $1000 down payment for an 11-month-old baby and was arrested on the Ukraine-Slovakian border. In a video confession, Varodi’s cellmate revealed more child trafficking activities at the school he taught. He and other traffickers were involved in activities with a charity organization that worked with orphaned students at a boarding school in Perechyn. During these trips, lawyers working with the trafficker falsified travel documents, and some students were allegedly adopted.

“If twenty-five children were taken out, only twenty-three were returned… between the employees of the institution, educators and teachers,” Varodi continued. 

Students started asking questions about where the other orphans had gone during the trips and some faculty in the school. made excuses for why kids had disappeared. 

Varodi explained that as a general rule, children at the school were selected for “organ transplants.”

“They were mostly orphans who had no parents,” Varodi said. “Some of them have not returned to this day and it is not known where they are.” 

One police officer with the name of “Sasha” had also allegedly taken several girls from the school on a regular basis. Other employees at the school saw him take “two girls… constantly.” He would take them in the evening and return them in the morning time. Glagola described the events as happening “systematically.”

According to Glagola, in the video, Varodi “accuses the director of the boarding school, Vasyl Koba, the institution’s lawyer, Olga Longwiser, and the director’s son, Vasyl Koba Jr., of involvement in the sale of children for organs.”

Glagola called on law enforcement to investigate further into the crimes. 

A boarding school’s director, Vasyl Koba, the school’s attorney, and the director’s son, Vasyl Koba Jr., are all accused by Denys Varodi of being involved in the selling of minors to the European Union for organs. According to Varodi, it was a regular procedure for females to be abducted from the facility in the evening and only returned in the morning. The guy begs the court and law enforcement to look into Varodi’s admissions and confirm their veracity. Even if it may be the case that just 10% of the charges are genuine, the author is nonetheless astonished by them.

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2024 Race

Trump to Impose Death Penalty For Human Traffickers




Former President Donald Trump on Friday proclaims he will be imposing the death penalty for human trafficking when he returns to the White House in 2025.

Trump made the announcement following a screening of “Sound of Freedom” at his Bedminster estate. The anti-trafficking film features Jim Caviezel as Tim Ballard, who goes on a mission to rescue children from sex traffickers in Colombia.

“‘Sound of Freedom’ has been a national sensation and a colossal success at the box office… everyone should see it,” he said, before touting his efforts to target transnational trafficking efforts while in office.

“When I am back in the white house I will immediately end the Biden border nightmare that traffickers are using to exploit vulnerable woman and children,” he vowed. “We will fully secure the border I will wage war on the cartels just as I did destroyed the ISIS caliphate.”

“I will use Title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis by returning all trafficked children to their families in their home countries and without delay,” he continued. “And I will urge congress to ensure that anyone caught trafficking children across our border receives the death penalty immediately and that includes also for woman.”

“Together we will end the scourge of human trafficking and we will defend the dignity of human life,” he concluded.

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