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Tucker Carlson Reveals Jack Ruby’s Mysterious Death Following Visit by CIA Psychiatrist Involved in MKUltra



In a recent interview on InfoWars, Tucker Carlson shared intriguing insights about Jack Ruby’s sudden death from cancer after being visited by a CIA psychiatrist known for his involvement in the infamous MKUltra program. Carlson, the founder of the Tucker Carlson Network, spoke with Alex Jones, revealing startling details about Ruby’s last days.

Jack Ruby, originally named Jacob Rubenstein, gained notoriety after he fatally shot Lee Harvey Oswald just two days following Oswald’s arrest for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Ruby’s sudden death has long been a topic of speculation and conspiracy theories.

Carlson’s Revelations

During the interview, Carlson remarked, “You do sort of wonder how Jack Ruby died of galloping cancer like a week before his second trial.” He questioned the rapid progression of Ruby’s illness, suggesting there might be more to the story.

Jones echoed these sentiments, claiming, “They have weaponized cancer that will kill you in two weeks.” The conversation took a deeper turn when Carlson discussed the involvement of CIA psychiatrist Dr. Louis Jolyon West, a figure associated with the controversial MKUltra program.

The Role of Dr. Jolyon West

Carlson highlighted that Ruby was visited by West, who was known for his experimental and controversial techniques. “West visits him, and next thing you know, ‘oh, I have terminal cancer. I’m dead in a week,’” Carlson stated.

According to declassified CIA documents, West employed “hypnosis and intravenous sodium pentothal” on Ruby. These techniques were part of West’s broader work with MKUltra, a CIA program infamous for its use of LSD and other methods to control and manipulate human behavior.

MKUltra and Ruby’s Condition

Before his involvement with Ruby, West was notorious for his participation in MKUltra and for an incident where he killed an elephant using LSD. This background raised questions about why the CIA selected him to handle Ruby in 1963, a year after the elephant incident.

Journalist Emma North-Best delved into the CIA documents about Ruby, revealing that he was kept in an isolated cell, a condition proposed by West to enhance susceptibility to suggestion and environmental manipulation. The documents suggested that such manipulations could lead to significant personality changes, which Ruby reportedly exhibited during West’s examinations.

West’s report described Ruby as psychotic and delusional, and outlined the use of hypnosis and sodium pentothal as part of his treatment. In a proposal for continued MKUltra research, West requested substantial funding for further experiments, indicating the depth of his involvement in such practices.

Ongoing Speculation

The destruction of many MKUltra records by the CIA has left gaps in the full understanding of these events. However, West’s name continued to appear in CIA files up until 1991, hinting at his prolonged involvement in related projects.

The revelations shared by Carlson and the background provided by North-Best’s research suggest a complex web of psychological manipulation and experimentation. The circumstances surrounding Jack Ruby’s death continue to fuel debates about the extent of the CIA’s secret operations and their impact on individuals involved in historical events.

For more detailed information on Dr. Jolyon West’s treatment of Ruby and his involvement in MKUltra, you can read further here.

Biden Administration

DHS and FBI Issue Warning About Large Fourth of July Events as ‘Attractive’ Targets for



The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a warning on Wednesday regarding potential threats to large Fourth of July celebrations. According to an internal bulletin obtained by ABC News, these events are considered “attractive” targets for lone offenders and small groups with malicious intentions.

The bulletin emphasizes the risk posed by individuals and small groups who might exploit the gatherings for terrorism or other harmful activities. The warning comes as the nation prepares for Independence Day festivities, which traditionally draw large crowds to public spaces.

The FBI and DHS are urging local law enforcement and event organizers to increase vigilance and security measures. The agencies highlight the importance of public awareness and cooperation, encouraging individuals to report any suspicious activities immediately.

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Government Surveillance

Supreme Court to Review Texas Digital ID Verification Law



The Supreme Court has announced it will review a legal challenge against a Texas statute mandating digital ID verification for any websites and apps that could be deemed “harmful to minors.” While the law is typically associated with pornographic material, the broad term “harmful to minors” could apply to a wide range of websites, preventing users from accessing content without first uploading their ID.

This legal battle revolves around Texas’ age verification bill, introduced in 2023. The law also requires these sites to present health warnings about the alleged psychological dangers of pornography consumption. Notably, this labeling requirement does not yet extend to search engines or social media platforms.

Websites that fail to comply with the law face steep fines, including daily civil penalties of up to $10,000 and potential fines from the Texas attorney general of up to $250,000 per instance if a minor accesses restricted content. Similar laws are currently active in seven other states and are set to be introduced in more states soon.

The Free Speech Coalition, along with several adult website operators, filed a lawsuit against the bill. Their argument is that the law infringes on First Amendment rights. A federal district court initially halted the law’s enforcement just before its implementation on September 1, 2023.

Mandatory digital ID requirements for website and social media use raise significant concerns about the chilling effect on free speech. These requirements can deter online participation due to privacy fears and undermine the anonymity vital for activists and whistleblowers. Such policies may also lead to self-censorship, as users might avoid sharing controversial opinions out of fear of being easily traced. Additionally, implementing digital IDs poses complex legal, technical, and logistical challenges that could result in bureaucratic errors and data breaches. The major Big Tech ID verification company AU10TIX was recently reported to have suffered a data leak, though the company says it hasn’t seen evidence of any user data being exploited.

The majority of the panel at the US Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit concluded that the Texas law is “rationally related to the government’s legitimate interest in preventing minors’ access to pornography,” using the least stringent rational-basis review standard, and thus did not violate the First Amendment. In contrast, Judge Patrick Higginbotham dissented, arguing that the law necessitates strict scrutiny due to its content-based restrictions on adult access to protected speech.

As the 5th Circuit allowed its decision to stand, the Free Speech Coalition and the affected websites escalated the matter to the Supreme Court. Their appeal emphasized the contradiction between the 5th Circuit’s decision and established Supreme Court precedents regarding sexual content and expression. They argue that the law unduly burdens adults’ constitutional rights by requiring the disclosure of personal information, thus increasing the risk of data breaches and privacy violations.

Texas officials defend the legislation, asserting it as a reasonable measure to protect minors from sexually explicit materials and not an undue burden on the porn industry.

As the Supreme Court prepares to review the case, the decision will have significant implications for digital privacy, free speech, and the regulation of online content across the United States.

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Democrat Government Officials Allegedly Funded by Sex Trafficking Drug Ring



An FBI raid has uncovered a complex web of alleged illicit activities involving high-ranking government officials and a notorious local business in Oakland, California. At the center of the scandal is Andy Duong, a key member of the Duong family and the self-proclaimed proprietor of the now-defunct Music Cafe. Duong is accused of using the cafe as a front for a sex trafficking and drug operation.

The Allegations

The Music Cafe, which also functioned as a karaoke lounge, was linked by state authorities to drug dealing, pimping, and human trafficking before its closure in early 2019, according to the Mercury News. Recent FBI operations on June 20 included searches at several locations, including the residences of Andy Duong, his father David Duong, Mayor Sheng Thao, and the offices of California Waste Solutions (CWS).

Political Connections

The investigation has revealed alleged financial dealings and contributions made to various political campaigns in the Oakland and South Bay areas. FBI agents previously raided a home owned by Democrat Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao, conducting “court-authorized law enforcement” at her property. David Duong, CEO of California Waste Solutions, and his son Andy Duong have deep-seated ties to Democratic politicians and businesses, according to NBC Bay Area.

Straw Donor Scheme

Andy Duong’s Instagram page features frequent posts with high-profile political figures, including President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Governor Gavin Newsom, Attorney General Rob Bonta, and Health and Human Services Secretary and former state Attorney General Xavier Becerra. Duong is accused of utilizing “straw donors” to mask contributions made to political candidates, circumventing campaign finance laws.

Undercover Operations

Documents filed by the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) reveal that Andy Duong used “straw donors” to funnel money to political candidates. One alleged straw donor, Charlie Ngo, was arrested on suspicion of narcotics sales following a raid at the cafe. Between 2016 and 2018, individuals associated with the cafe gave roughly $18,000 to Oakland City Council candidates on behalf of Andy Duong.

Financial Irregularities

FPPC filings indicate that Ngo made significant campaign contributions despite having insufficient funds in his bank account. For example, he donated $700 to Friends of Desley Brooks with only $49.58 in his account and $700 to re-elect Oakland Councilman Larry Reid in 2016 despite having only $2.14. Investigators found that Ngo made large deposits just before or after writing his checks for these contributions.

Campaign Contributions

Mayor Sheng Thao, then a councilmember, received $2,400 from individuals associated with the cafe. One cafe owner admitted to giving $5,000 to then-Oakland Councilmember Lynette Gibson McElhaney’s legal defense fund and $800 to then-Oakland Councilmember Abel Guillen. While these elected officials have not been accused of violating campaign finance laws, the revelations raise questions about the integrity of political funding in Oakland.

The ongoing investigation into the Duong family’s activities and their connections to high-ranking officials has cast a shadow over Oakland’s political landscape. The use of the Music Cafe as a front for a sex trafficking and drug operation, coupled with the alleged campaign finance violations, highlights a troubling intersection of crime and politics. As the investigation continues, the implications for those involved remain to be seen.

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