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Vaccine News

Tennessee Woman Fired for Refusing Employer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Wins Almost $700K



In a landmark decision, a federal jury has awarded Tanja Benton nearly $700,000 after she was terminated from her job at BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee (BCBST) for refusing to comply with the company’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate. The jury concluded that Benton’s refusal was grounded in her sincerely held religious beliefs.

Tanja Benton was employed by BCBST from 2005 until November 2022, serving primarily as a biostatistical research scientist. Her role, as outlined in her federal lawsuit, did not require regular in-person contact with clients or patients. In fact, Benton managed a portfolio of 10 to 12 clients annually, interacting with them infrequently and often not in person. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Benton transitioned to working from home for approximately 18 months without any reported issues.

In response to the ongoing pandemic, BCBST implemented a company-wide COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Benton refused to comply, citing her belief that the vaccines were derived from aborted fetus cell lines, a claim that has been debunked. In her lawsuit, Benton expressed her conviction that receiving the vaccine would defile her body and dishonor God.

Benton requested a religious exemption from the vaccine mandate, which BCBST denied. The company insisted that no exceptions could be made for individuals with Benton’s job title and suggested she apply for a different position within the organization. Despite her appeals and arguments that her job did not involve direct interaction with people, BCBST ultimately terminated her employment.

Following her termination, Benton filed a federal lawsuit against BCBST. The jury found that Benton “proved by a preponderance of the evidence” that her refusal to get vaccinated was based on her sincerely held religious belief. The verdict awarded Benton $177,240 in back pay, $10,000 in compensatory damages, and $500,000 in punitive damages, totaling $687,240.

BCBST defended its vaccine mandate, stating, “The vaccine requirement was the best decision for the health and safety of our employees and members – some of whom are the most vulnerable in the state – and our communities. We appreciate our former employees’ service to our members and communities throughout their time with BlueCross.”

The jury’s decision in favor of Benton underscores the complex interplay between public health measures and individual religious beliefs. As companies navigate the evolving landscape of workplace safety and employee rights, this case serves as a significant precedent for handling vaccine mandates and religious exemptions.

Read the full settlement document below:

Vaccine News

Kansas Sues Pfizer Over Alleged Consumer Protection Violations Related to COVID-19 Vaccine



Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach has filed a lawsuit against pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, accusing the company of deceptive marketing practices regarding its COVID-19 vaccine. The lawsuit, lodged in state court in Thomas County, alleges that Pfizer marketed the vaccine as “safe” despite allegedly knowing it was associated with “serious adverse events.”

The legal challenge by Kansas follows a similar lawsuit filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in November. At a news conference on Monday, Kobach revealed that Kansas is among several states pursuing legal action against Pfizer. The lawsuit contends that Pfizer misrepresented its COVID-19 vaccine as “safe and effective” while being aware of potential side effects, including myocarditis and pericarditis—heart inflammations that, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), rarely occur.

“In such an environment, it is imperative Kansans making that decision receive the truth,” Kobach stated, emphasizing the importance of transparency for individuals deciding whether to get vaccinated.

Pfizer has dismissed the lawsuit as baseless. In a statement, the company expressed pride in developing the COVID-19 vaccine swiftly during the global pandemic, claiming it saved countless lives. Pfizer emphasized that its communications about the vaccine have been accurate and science-based, and that patient safety remains its top priority.

“The representations made by Pfizer about its COVID-19 vaccine have been accurate and science-based. The company believes that the state’s case has no merit and will respond to the suit in due course,” Pfizer said.

The lawsuit alleges that Pfizer’s actions violated Kansas’ consumer protection laws, despite the fact that vaccine recipients did not pay for their doses directly. Kobach argues that consumer protection laws still apply and that Pfizer violated prior consent judgments with the state. The lawsuit seeks monetary damages, although it does not specify an amount.

Kobach, a Republican, is launching this legal challenge as the pandemic fades from public consciousness, but vaccine-related anger and conspiracy theories continue to circulate, particularly among some right-wing groups. The lawsuit underscores ongoing tensions and distrust surrounding the COVID-19 vaccines.

As the legal proceedings unfold, the outcome could have significant implications for pharmaceutical companies and their accountability in public health crises.


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Vaccine News

mRNA Covid Vaccine Aids Development of Cancer, New Study Finds



The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted global health, and the rapid development of mRNA vaccines emerged as a promising solution. However, despite the pandemic’s resolution, concerns remain regarding the potential dangers of 100% N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ) modification found in these vaccines. Recent evidence suggests that mRNA vaccines – particularly those with a 100% m1Ψ modification – may inhibit essential immunological pathways, leading to a reduced immune response and potential increased susceptibility to recurrent infections. Moreover, findings imply that these modified mRNA vaccines could potentially aid in cancer development. This article explores the implications of these discoveries and provides recommendations for future clinical trials involving mRNA vaccines in both cancer and infectious disease treatments.


The emergence of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and its subsequent COVID-19 disease turned the world upside down. The development of a vaccine became a top priority, leading to the rapid implementation of new technologies such as mRNA vaccines. These vaccines garnered significant attention and offered hope amid the pandemic, with the potential to prevent hospitalization and serious illness in those with comorbidities. However, recent studies have shed light on the effectiveness of these vaccines and their potential impact on cancer development, even in a post-pandemic world.

The m1Ψ-Modified mRNA Vaccines

mRNA vaccines work by introducing a small piece of the genetic material into the body, instructing cells to produce a harmless viral protein that triggers an immune response. This process enables the immune system to recognize and fight off the virus in the future. The novel aspect of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines is the inclusion of 100% m1Ψ modifications. This divergence from previous mRNA technologies and vaccines h as raised concerns.

In a melanoma model, it was discovered that adding 100% m1Ψ-modified mRNA to cancer cells stimulated cancer growth and metastasis. Non-modified mRNA vaccines had the opposite effect. This suggests that COVID-19 vaccines with 100% m1Ψ modification may potentially contribute to cancer development.

Implications and Recommendations

The rapid development and widespread use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines have demonstrated the potential of this technology in combating pandemics. However, several concerning findings and drawbacks have surfaced, warranting a reevaluation of the future of mRNA vaccines. The cumulative evidence highlights the need to halt the development of mRNA vaccines with 100% N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ) modification for the sake of public health and safety.

Firstly, the waning immunity observed with mRNA vaccines raises concerns about their long-term efficacy. These vaccines do not generate sterilizing immunity, leaving individuals vulnerable to recurrent infections. Second, the impairment of essential immunological pathways due to the 100% m1Ψ modification may lead to a reduced immune response to viral infections and a potential increased risk of cancer development. Furthermore, recent studies have indicated that mRNA vaccines might have unpleasant and potentially long-lasting side effects on certain populations, such as those with a history of certain allergies.

Given these findings, it is crucial to reorient research efforts towards developing mRNA vaccines with lower percentages of m1Ψ modification. Utilizing alternative technology, like traditional protein-based vaccines, would provide a safer and more effective approach to prevent and control future infectious diseases. In conclusion, the potential dangers associated with the 100% m1Ψ modification in mRNA vaccines outweigh their benefits, and further development of these vaccines should be stopped to prioritize the health and well-being of the global population.


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New Bill Aims to Remove COVID-19 Vaccine Manufacturer Liability Protections



A new bill has been introduced that could potentially strip COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers of their existing liability protections. Proposed by Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) on March 5, the bill targets the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act), a legal framework that shields vaccine manufacturers from certain liabilities.

The bill’s primary objective is to enable Americans who have experienced adverse effects from COVID-19 vaccines to pursue legal action against the companies responsible for manufacturing them. If passed, this legislation would mark a substantial shift in the legal landscape surrounding vaccine injury claims.

At the core of the proposed bill is the retroactive removal of liability protections granted to COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers under the PREP Act. This Act, initiated by former Health Secretary Alex Azar during the Trump administration and subsequently extended by President Joe Biden, offers immunity to manufacturers and individuals involved in administering vaccines, with exceptions only for cases involving willful misconduct.

Rep. Chip Roy’s rationale for introducing the bill rests on principles of justice and accountability. He emphasizes the need to empower Americans who have suffered vaccine-related injuries and to challenge what he perceives as undue federal protection for vaccine manufacturers. Roy contends that many individuals were coerced into receiving the COVID-19 vaccine and subsequently faced adverse health effects with limited recourse for restitution.

Under the current framework, individuals with suspected or confirmed vaccine-related injuries can seek compensation through the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program. However, the program’s track record reveals limited success for claimants, with just 11 individuals compensated as of January, and numerous claims rejected. Critics, including those involved in a lawsuit challenging the program’s constitutionality, characterize it as a “kangaroo court.”

The bill proposed by Rep. Roy explicitly states that it does not impede individuals’ ability to seek compensation through existing channels such as the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program. This clarification aims to ensure that avenues for restitution remain accessible to affected individuals.

The response from pharmaceutical companies and industry representatives has been mixed. While Pfizer, Moderna, and trade groups like the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America express concerns about jeopardizing vaccine development and public health response mechanisms, supporters of the bill, including Children’s Health Defense, advocate for increased accountability and transparency in vaccine injury cases.

With 19 co-sponsors already on board, including prominent figures like Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) and Rep. Ralph Norman (R-S.C.), the bill reflects a growing sentiment among certain lawmakers and advocacy groups for greater scrutiny of COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer liabilities.

The introduction of this bill signifies a pivotal moment in the ongoing discourse surrounding COVID-19 vaccines, as debates unfold and stakeholders weigh in on the proposed legislation, its fate will likely shape the future trajectory of vaccine liability protections and individual rights in the context of public health emergencies. Only time will tell how this legislative effort will impact the landscape of vaccine accountability and the pursuit of justice for those affected by vaccine-related injuries.

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