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Rand Paul’s Office Destroyed in Fire Day After Promising to Investigate Fauci, Investigation Underway



According to new reports, early on Friday morning, a fire broke out in Bowling Green, Kentucky’s downtown, severely damaging a business on State Street that housed Sen. Rand Paul’s regional office.

There is no confirmation to what started the fire, and the Bowling Green Fire Department is now conducting an investigation.

The Bowling Green Daily News reports that workers arrived on the scene at roughly 1:45 am and immediately started putting out the fire. Despite their best attempts, the flames tore through the building, and the roof quickly came crashing down.

Footage from later Friday morning showed black smoke still emanating from the building.

“We are thankful for the Bowling Green first responders who arrived quickly to the scene to put out the fire, and are continuing to work with authorities to assess damages and to determine a cause,” Paul said in a statement to the Daily News. “We have a very well established emergency management plan and have the ability to continue operations that will not impact our work helping Kentuckians.”

This fire comes a day after Senator Paul announced that he had referred Fauci to be investigated for lying under oath.

Story still developing


You can read more information here.

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2024 Race

CNN Abruptly Cuts Off Trump Campaign Spokeswoman Live on Air Ahead of First Presidential Debate




CNN abruptly cut off Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt during a live interview on Monday morning. The incident occurred just days before the network is set to host the first presidential debate between former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden.

The interview began with anchor Kasie Hunt asking Leavitt about Trump’s strategy for the upcoming debate in Atlanta, Georgia. Leavitt started by asserting that Trump is well-prepared and doesn’t need to rely on advisors for what to say, contrasting this with her depiction of Biden’s approach.

“President Trump is well-prepared ahead of Thursday’s debates. Unlike Joe Biden, he doesn’t have to hide away and have his advisors tell him what to say. President Trump knows what he wants to say,” Leavitt stated.

Leavitt then shifted the conversation to the debate environment, expressing concerns about potential bias from CNN’s moderators, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash.

“That’s why President Trump is knowingly going into a hostile environment on this very network on CNN with debate moderators who have made their opinions about him very well-known over the past eight years in their biased coverage of him,” she said.

Hunt quickly responded, defending her colleagues as “professionals” and proceeded to play a series of clips showing Trump’s previous comments about debate moderators. As Leavitt attempted to interject, reiterating her point about bias, Hunt repeatedly interrupted her.

“Ma’am, we’re going to stop right there if you’re going to keep attacking my colleagues,” Hunt said firmly. “I would like to talk about Joe Biden and Donald Trump, who you work for.”

Shortly after, Hunt abruptly ended the interview. “I’m sorry guys … Karoline thank you very much for your time. You’re welcome to come back at any time,” she declared before cutting the feed.

Hunt later defended her decision on social media, writing on X, “You come on my show, you respect my colleagues. Period. I don’t care what side of the aisle you stand on, as my track record clearly shows.”

This incident has added fuel to the already intense anticipation surrounding the upcoming presidential debate. Both Trump and Biden are scheduled to take the stage in Atlanta on Thursday, with CNN’s moderators expected to play a pivotal role in guiding the discussion.

Leavitt’s abrupt cut-off has drawn mixed reactions from viewers and political commentators. Some criticized CNN for silencing a campaign spokesperson, while others supported Hunt’s stance on maintaining respect for her colleagues.

The debate on Thursday is expected to be a crucial moment in the 2024 presidential race, with both candidates facing off on various pressing issues. The incident on Monday has set the stage for what promises to be a highly charged and closely watched event.

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2024 Race

49 States are Handing Out Voter Registration Forms to Migrants Without Proof of Citizenship



In a move sparking heated debate, welfare offices and other agencies in 49 U.S. states are distributing voter registration forms to migrants without requiring proof of citizenship. Only Arizona, which recently enacted a law barring the practice for state forms but not federal ones, stands apart. This widespread practice has prompted calls from Republicans and conservatives for federal action to halt the distribution of these forms.

No Proof of Citizenship Required

Federal voting forms do not mandate proof of U.S. citizenship, although it is illegal for non-citizens to vote in federal elections. This loophole has led to concerns about the integrity of the voter registration process. Migrants with humanitarian parole, refugee, or asylum status, who are eligible for benefits, often visit these offices where voter registration takes place, increasing the likelihood of non-citizens inadvertently registering to vote.

The National Voter Registration Act of 1993

The National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1993 requires states to register voters at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and agencies where Americans apply for public benefits. These offices must provide voter registration forms along with application papers. If applicants attest that they are U.S. citizens, this is accepted as valid, leading to automatic voter registration.

Legislative Response: The SAVE Act

In response to these concerns, the House Administration Committee recently approved the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act. This proposed legislation would require proof of citizenship when registering to vote by mail, at a DMV, or at a welfare agency office. Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas), who introduced the measure, stressed the importance of preventing illegal voter registration.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the need for greater enforcement measures to ensure that only American citizens vote in U.S. elections. Ryan Walker, executive vice president at the Heritage Foundation’s sister group, Heritage Action, supports the SAVE Act, arguing it will restore confidence in the electoral process.

Opposition to the SAVE Act

The left-leaning Campaign Legal Center opposes the SAVE Act, calling it a “shameful” measure that undermines trust in the electoral process. The Center argues that concerns over non-citizen voting are exaggerated and not substantiated by evidence. They assert that the bill could result in eligible U.S. citizens being incorrectly prevented from voting.

Evidence of Non-Citizen Voting

Despite opposition, federal prosecutions, state investigations, and audits have shown instances of non-citizens being registered to vote. In Georgia, left-wing voter groups sued Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger for attempting to implement citizenship verification methods. Hundreds of non-citizens have been caught casting ballots in various elections, highlighting the potential for voter fraud.

Future of the SAVE Act

House Republican leaders have yet to schedule a floor vote for the SAVE Act, but it may come up before the August recess. Even if it passes the House, the bill faces a challenging path in the Democrat-controlled Senate. However, several Republican senators have already expressed their support.

Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) stressed the importance of preventing non-citizens from voting, stating that the SAVE Act would defend election integrity and preserve public trust in the voting process.

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Government Accountability

New Internal DHS Docs Reveal Brennan-Clapper Intel Group Viewed Trump Supporters as Biggest Domestic Terrorism Threat



Recently obtained internal documents from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) during litigation between America First Legal (AFL) and the Biden Administration reveal contentious discussions within the “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group.” These documents, part of AFL’s #DeepStateDiaries series, uncover the group’s consideration of Trump supporters as potential domestic extremists.

The documents, released in phases, highlight discussions within the DHS intelligence group about expanding DHS’s influence in local communities under seemingly benign initiatives. AFL’s earlier release focused on proposals suggesting increased reporting from teachers and parents regarding their children, sparking concerns about privacy and civil liberties.

Today’s release centers on criteria used by the Biden Administration to identify potential domestic violent extremists. According to the documents, individuals who support former President Trump, have military backgrounds, or espouse religious beliefs are flagged as having “indicators of extremists and terrorism.” The Brennan-Clapper committee within DHS reportedly emphasized these factors as grounds for heightened surveillance and monitoring.

The documents further assert that a significant portion of the domestic terrorism threat originates from supporters of the former president, highlighting a shift in the perceived sources of security risks.

These revelations have raised considerable debate about the potential implications for civil liberties and constitutional rights, prompting calls for transparency and oversight in DHS practices related to domestic extremism.

As AFL continues to release additional documents, the ongoing scrutiny and discourse around these issues are likely to intensify, shaping future discussions on national security and civil liberties in the United States.

For further updates and detailed information on the released documents, visit America First Legal’s website.

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