A California seventh-grade student, Jimmy Heyward, who recently gained attention after his principal censored his patriotic speech, has now been banned from attending the school next...
The Intercept, once heralded as a bastion of fearless and adversarial journalism, now finds itself embroiled in controversy as allegations surface of the suppression of critical...
Facebook, Instagram, and Threads, the trio of social media platforms under Meta’s umbrella, encountered a significant worldwide outage on Tuesday, disrupting user experiences across the globe....
Today, America First Legal (AFL) released documents obtained from litigation against the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), revealing CISA flagged text messages supporting President Donald J. Trump for potential...
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, together with attorneys general from every state and many territories, have reached a $700 million settlement with Google for their anticompetitive...
Microsoft has formed a partnership with two publications controlled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The Washington Free Beacon reports that the IT giant has signed...
A NHS whistleblower has come out and claimed that NHS hospitals were not swamped during the Covid-19 epidemic, as claimed by authorities and the mainstream media....