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Election News

11 Individuals Charged with Felony Voter Fraud Offenses in Tennessee



In a recent crackdown on electoral integrity, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) has charged 11 individuals with felony offenses linked to voter fraud. This development underscores ongoing concerns over the sanctity of the electoral process in the state.

The investigation, spearheaded by special agents at the behest of 18th Judicial District Attorney General Ray Whitley, uncovered a disturbing pattern of convicted felons unlawfully participating in elections in Sumner County between 2020 and 2022.

According to a TBI press release:

“In late January, at the request of 18th Judicial District Attorney General Ray Whitley, TBI agents began investigating reports of 15 convicted felons unlawfully voting in various Sumner County elections between 2020 and 2022. Agents determined four of the felons were deceased prior to the investigation. Agents investigated the remaining 11 individuals, determining all had been convicted of at least one felony and registered to vote in Sumner County after their convictions, completing documents that included language regarding not having been convicted of a felony.”

On May 10th, the Sumner County Grand Jury returned indictments, charging the following individuals with one count each of Illegal Registration or Voting and one count of False Entries on Official Registration or Election Documents:

  1. Gregory Blackmon (DOB 1/6/1962), Clarksville
  2. Antione Bridges (DOB 2/14/1979), Cottontown
  3. Bradley Crowell (DOB 6/12/1991), Hendersonville
  4. Jerry Dodd (DOB 12/31/1974), Portland
  5. Terry Ewin (DOB 11/3/1965), Gallatin
  6. Shannon Holt, Sr. (DOB 10/9/1968), Gallatin
  7. James McGee (DOB 7/19/1964), Hendersonville
  8. Rita Poindexter (DOB 1/16/1960), Gallatin
  9. Larry Russell, Sr. (DOB 9/23/1954), Gallatin
  10. Ladasha Warfield (DOB 1/10/1988), Gallatin
  11. Bobby Williams (DOB 8/5/1961), Portland

The TBI, with assistance from the Sumner County Sheriff’s Office, has arrested these individuals in recent days. Each has been booked into the Sumner County Jail on a $5,000 bond.

This incident marks a significant step in addressing voter fraud and emphasizes the importance of maintaining the integrity of the electoral process. The legal prohibition against convicted felons voting aims to prevent undue influence and preserve the fairness of elections. However, the act of these individuals registering and casting ballots despite their felony convictions signals the need for continued vigilance and enforcement of election laws.

The charges brought against these individuals highlight a critical issue within the electoral system. As the state moves forward, it will be crucial to implement measures that ensure only eligible voters participate in elections, thereby upholding the democratic process.

District Attorney General Ray Whitley and the TBI have demonstrated a firm commitment to investigating and prosecuting electoral fraud. Their actions serve as a deterrent to those who might consider undermining the electoral system and as a reassurance to the public that the integrity of their vote is being protected.

As the legal process unfolds, the focus will likely remain on how to prevent such incidents in the future and strengthen the mechanisms that safeguard the electoral process. The TBI’s proactive stance in this matter is a reminder that election integrity is paramount and that violations will be met with serious consequences.

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Election News

North Dakota Voters Pass Age Limit for Congressional Candidates



In a significant electoral decision, voters in North Dakota have passed a ballot measure imposing a maximum age limit of 80 for candidates running for the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives. The measure, which amends the state constitution, was approved with approximately 61% of the vote, according to projections by the Associated Press.

Details of the Measure

The new rule stipulates that no person may be elected or appointed to represent North Dakota in Congress if they would be 81 years old by December 31 of the year immediately preceding the end of their term. This effectively bars individuals who would surpass the age of 80 during their potential term from appearing on the ballot. The age limit will take effect starting with the 2026 midterm elections.

Implications and Context

This measure comes at a time when age has become a notable point of discussion in national politics, particularly in the context of the upcoming general election, where both President Joe Biden, 81, and former President Donald Trump, 78, are key figures. The implementation of an age cap for congressional candidates reflects growing concerns about the capacity of older individuals to serve effectively in high-stress, decision-making roles.

Potential Challenges

The measure is expected to face legal challenges, as opponents may argue that it infringes on candidates’ rights and could be seen as age discrimination. However, supporters contend that it ensures a rotation of leadership and encourages younger individuals to participate in governance.


Public reaction to the measure has been mixed. Proponents argue that it is a necessary step to ensure that the state’s representatives are physically and mentally capable of handling the demands of their roles. Critics, on the other hand, suggest that experience and wisdom that often come with age should not be undervalued in political leadership.

As North Dakota prepares to implement this new rule, the decision is likely to spark broader discussions about age and political candidacy across the United States. The outcome of any potential court challenges will be closely watched, as it may set a precedent for other states considering similar measures.

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Election News

New York Democrat Arrested and Charged with Felony For Faking Signatures on Election Petition, Including Dead People



Peekskill Common Council member Rob Scott sought to advance his political career by challenging incumbent County Legislator Colin Smith for the seat in last year’s Democratic primary.

That effort ended in late April 2023 when the County Board of Elections threw out 217 of the 531 signatures Scott submitted on his ballot petitions, leaving him far short of the required number of 500.

Now, Scott is facing criminal charges for filing false documents.

In a statement, County District Attorney Miriam E. Rocah said Scott was arrested and charged with filing designating petitions containing forged signatures for a seat on the Westchester County Board of Legislators in the June 2023 Democratic primary election.

“Free and fair elections are the foundation of our democracy. Undermining the petition process in an attempt to get on the ballot in an election violates the public’s trust,” Rocah said.

Scott was charged with offering a false instrument for filing in the first degree, a felony, and was issued a desk appearance ticket for an April 30 arraignment in White Plains City Court. It is a class E felony. According to the District Attorney’s office, there is a wide range of potential sentences associated with this charge, ranging from a minimum of probation up to a maximum of one and a third  to four years in state prison.

The DA alleges that on April 10, 2023 Scott filed designating petitions with the Westchester County Board of Elections containing forged signatures of eight individuals who told DA’s Office investigators that they never signed a petition for the defendant.  The alleged forged signatures appeared on three of the 37 sheets that the defendant signed as a witness, the complaint alleges.

The Criminal Investigators Squad of the DA’s Office launched an investigation in July 2023 after receiving complaints from individuals whose signatures were forged. The case is being prosecuted by the Public Integrity and Law Enforcement Integrity Bureau.

Scott told The Herald that he was issued a desk appearance ticket and will have to go to court and take it from there. “It wasn’t like a dramatic, crazy thing it was very respectful. I have been in communication and in full cooperation with the DAs office since the beginning of this complaint and hope the matter can be put behind us shortly so that I, as an elected official, can get back to what’s most important, which is being in service of our community. I ask for patience as we sort through the matter, Councilman Scott said.

Scott’s ballot petitions challenged in court last April

Allegations charging Scott with falsifying signatures on his ballot petitions first surfaced in April 2023 when a lawsuit was filed against Scott and the Westchester County Board of Elections by Democratic party official Marcia Stone, Vice-Chair of the Yorktown Democratic Committee, and County Legislator Smith.

In their lawsuit, Stone and Smith listed 26 reasons the Scott ballots should be rejected. The allegations included signatures not signed by the person named, people who were not registered Democrats, alterations made to dates and signatures, signatures from people who had already signed Smith’s petitions earlier and that some signatures were forged and written by the same hand.

Four Peekskill residents – Debby and Bob Mickelson and Cathy Martone and David Hallerman – told the Journal News that their signatures were forged on Scott’s petitions.

All those allegations in the lawsuit became moot when the Board rejected Scott’s petitions and kept him off the ballot. The Board did not have the authority to pursue criminal charges and the matter seemed to be at an end. Now the County District Attorney’s office has charged Scott with criminal acts.

“Although I am disheartened at the news of Councilman Scott’s arrest, I applaud the District Attorney’s office for taking a strong stance on public integrity. Clearly, there was enough evidence of criminal conduct to warrant bringing these charges. Our elected officials must be held to a higher standard. Let this arrest serve as a warning to those who would attempt to subvert the rule of law for their own selfish gain that such self-serving behavior will not be tolerated. Councilman Scott should immediately resign,” County Legislator Colin Smith said.

Scott denied any wrongdoing in comments last year

In a published report last year, Scott denied forging signatures on his petitions and said that he was stunned to learn that his petition included the names of people who had not signed, including three dead people.

In his biography on the city website, Scott says he’s been a resident of Peekskill for over 25 years and is the owner/operator of the health establishment, PK Blendz Juice Bar.

Rob Scott at his business on Main Street. (Photo by Regina Clarkin)

“Scott is a vegan and licensed personal trainer. Mr. Scott is dedicated to building strong healthy families in the City of Peekskill through education and equitable grown. He is also a father of two children whom he is raising with his wife and high school sweetheart of 25 plus years,” his website bio reads.

“I’m a believer that we have the power to define and redefine, reality is only a reflection of our thoughts” – Rob Scott


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2024 Race

Over 9,000 uncounted mail-in ballots found in Illinois election




The Chicago Board of Elections revealed on Saturday that more than 10,000 ballots hadn’t been included in previous vote totals by mistake, making unofficial counts lower than expected.

Preliminary Report:


In a news release, a spokesperson for the CBOE explained that while adding up vote-by-mail ballots, he accidentally left out additional ballots that had been delivered by the U.S. Postal Service on Monday.

“I traded speed for accuracy in reporting out numbers this week as quickly as I could,” spokesperson Max Bever said in a statement, in part. “I truly regret this error on my part and for the confusion that it has caused the voters of Chicago.”

The 10,659 ballots in question were added to the unofficial vote count on Saturday, increasing the total of ballots cast in Chicago to 368,990. Voter turnout citywide was reported to be 24.44% out of 1,509,554 registered voters.

Recent elections have sparked widespread discussions and debates regarding the integrity of the electoral process. As citizens grapple with various viewpoints and concerns, questions surrounding election integrity have taken center stage in political discourse.

One of the key issues that has emerged is the security and reliability of voting systems. With advancements in technology, concerns have been raised about the susceptibility of electronic voting machines to hacking and manipulation. Critics argue that these vulnerabilities could potentially undermine the integrity of election results and erode public trust in the democratic process.

Furthermore, the handling and counting of ballots have also come under scrutiny. Allegations of irregularities, such as ballot tampering or mishandling, have led to calls for increased transparency and oversight in the electoral process. Some argue that stringent safeguards and protocols are necessary to ensure the accuracy and fairness of vote tabulation.

Another area of contention is voter identification laws. Proponents argue that such laws are essential for preventing voter fraud and maintaining the integrity of elections. They contend that requiring voters to present identification helps verify their eligibility and prevents unauthorized individuals from casting ballots. However, critics argue that these laws disproportionately disenfranchise marginalized communities, such as low-income or minority voters, who may face barriers to obtaining valid identification.

Additionally, concerns have been raised about the role of money in politics and its potential to influence election outcomes. The influx of campaign contributions from special interest groups and wealthy donors has raised questions about the fairness and transparency of the electoral process. Critics argue that the influence of money in politics undermines the principle of equal representation and gives undue advantage to powerful interests.

Amidst these debates, calls for reform and strengthening of election laws and regulations have grown louder. Advocates emphasize the need for comprehensive measures to safeguard the integrity of elections, including increased funding for election security, implementation of robust auditing procedures, and expansion of voter access while ensuring strict enforcement of anti-fraud measures.

Ultimately, the issue of election integrity remains a complex and multifaceted challenge. As citizens and policymakers grapple with these questions, finding common ground and implementing effective solutions will be essential to uphold the integrity and legitimacy of the democratic process.


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